Do you always use the same toothpaste?

1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
I know there’s a similar thread on toilet rolls, but it’s something I am genuinely wondering.

Do you guys stick to the same toothpaste and mouthwash, or chop and change? Do you buy the same whatever the price, or grab whichever one is on offer?

If you stick to the same, what’s your chosen product?

Myself, I have used Oral B pro expert for about 4 years now. Pricey, but good stuff. I chop and change mouthwash based on price as I don’t feel that’s as important as a good paste.
I generally change, using CB12 toothpaste and The Breath Co mouthwash at the moment. My brother was whining about toothache a few days back as he doesn’t look after his teeth they’re like a row of condemned houses or like a witch doctors necklace :D
I still feel sorry for him, toothache is the worst pain the world
in poverty of like indian etc people always seem to have such white teeth.

curry and spices are supposed to slowly stain teeth as well.

how can dirt poor people who likely don't own a teeth brush have such white teeth, is it really because of all the artificial/added colours in our food or what.

it can't be just sugar because some of us actively avoid sugar/salt in our food and we still can get stained teeth.

I guess coffee is a big problem for us, makes me curious to go check some poverty people on youtube in a country famous for its coffee drinking
It’s not just sugar. Wine, pickles, soft drinks, citrus fruits are just a few things that erode enamel and cause decay.

Sorry, but I refuse to believe you can have a healthy mouth if you never brush your teeth.

India has very high levels of oral cancer.
Oral B the minty blue version I use it raw with no water because it's kind of pointless brushing your teeth and then rinsing your mouth as it's washing away the protection from the paste
I have a small bit of water just to wash it off my tongue. Try to avoid swishing my teeth though. Mouthwash comes a couple of hours later. I don’t floss, don’t feel like I need to.
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