Do you believe a song has the power to change your life?

21 Apr 2004
Ever heard a song that just stops you. Stops you completely, and as you listen, you can relate to every word, you feel the song completely, and it becomes your song, your anthem.

It changes your perspectives and alters your decisions, affecting your life, for better or for worse.

Have you ever experienced it?

If so, what song was it, and how did it affect you?
no, not for me. I listen to a llt of music but it just doesn't affect me that way
Songs can make me think pretty deeply, maybe even making me go into some kind of trance, but I don't think a song could change the way I think or act.
The Starting Line - Suprise Suprise.

It made me think about how badly an ex of mine had treated me, and to stop waiting around for her.
iCraig said:
Ever heard a song that just stops you. Stops you completely, and as you listen, you can relate to every word, you feel the song completely, and it becomes your song, your anthem.

It changes your perspectives and alters your decisions, affecting your life, for better or for worse.

Have you ever experienced it?

If so, what song was it, and how did it affect you?

I havent quite found the song that does all this yet but my god the Flloyd's Shine on you crazy diamond, just for its sheer brilliance alone :D
A couple, but really the whole of the Dark Side of the Moon album changed my life and perspectives. :)
Corrupt Stilo - Ya Lo Saben made me think im brazillian! i even went out and brought the home and away kit , put a flag outsde my flat , and changed my name to Nishmiano Montegro then told everyone im half brazillian.... no jokes :eek:
On it's own no, it would have to be in a context. For instance, people talk about breakups, that breakup had to be there in the first place. Or you would have had to see what the song was on about to have things like Pink Floyd change your life.
William said:
On it's own no, it would have to be in a context. For instance, people talk about breakups, that breakup had to be there in the first place. Or you would have had to see what the song was on about to have things like Pink Floyd change your life.

Not true, that view is too, clinical (?) A song can affect anyone for any reason. Not just the lyrics but quite simply the way it can make you feel. Different sounds can bring about different feeling. Flloyd is good at that.
the song truely madly deeply changed my was on tv when me and my girlfriend kissed for the first ever time....dam it was cheesy lol (the moment not the kiss :o)
Andr3w said:
the song truely madly deeply changed my was on tv when me and my girlfriend kissed for the first ever time....dam it was cheesy lol (the moment not the kiss :o)

Was it Holly Valance - Kiss Kiss? :p
Sic said:
no....Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply :confused:

and no, i dont think a song could change my life.

:o I misread it has though he meant there was a song that truly madly deeply changed his life. Truly changed it, madly changed it and deeply changed it etc.

*saunters off for coffee*
When I was younger, yes. Now, I listen to specific songs because of how I feel, they don't create feelings.
i think when you are younger there is a bigger chance of this happening.

if i didnt hear Slayer - angel of death when i was a nipper i probably wouldn't have got into heavy metal which completely decided the people i hung out with , where i went etc etc
Captain Planet said:
Not true, that view is too, clinical (?) A song can affect anyone for any reason. Not just the lyrics but quite simply the way it can make you feel. Different sounds can bring about different feeling. Flloyd is good at that.

True, but not just one song imho, personally I would have to listen to lots of different songs of the same type to get any effect.
Songs help me clear my thoughts and sort things out in my head, so in that respect they are constantly changing my life. The amount of decisions I've figured out while sitting and listening to Explosions In The Sky at 4am is staggering :p
I completely agree with this... I wont post the song and lyrics as its quite personal to me and not a lot of people will understand why I relate to it, and will probably get a lot of slating for it, which I dont want considering how personal the song is!
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