Do you eat fast?

When not eating out I usually swallow the entire plate in seconds.
No joking, if I've done this in a restaurant, I could probably get a free meal by saying to the waiter that he's given me an empty plate around 10seconds later after he's put it on the table hahaha.
When it comes to my food i dont mess around for some reason i just shovel it all in as quick as possible, dont get me wrong i dont eat like a pig i have excellent table manners and still enjoy the taste of the food.
Its a habbit i cant seem to break, it annoys me somewhat when im out for a meal with the wife and i have to sit there while she finishes when all i want to do is get stuck into the next course.
i don't think of myself as a fast eater but whenever i eat with other people, i'm usually the first to finish. i certainly don't shovel it in like some of you peeps above. :p
When not eating out I usually swallow the entire plate in seconds.
No joking, if I've done this in a restaurant, I could probably get a free meal by saying to the waiter that he's given me an empty plate around 10seconds later after he's put it on the table hahaha.

I can imagine the waiters look of utter confusion lol haha
I eat far too quickly. I need to chew more as well Having to reach for something to drink to force it down my throat happens more than I care to admit :(

I don't even bother chewing rice anymore :/

It is impressive that a meal which takes half an hour to prepare and cook can be wolfed down in a few minutes :p
It depends on the food.

I seem to inhale pizza rather than eat it. Anyone sharing pizza with me needs to beware :D
i don't think of myself as a fast eater but whenever i eat with other people, i'm usually the first to finish. i certainly don't shovel it in like some of you peeps above. :p

I'm the same, I don't think i am fast and take the time to properly cut and chew but I am always the first to finish. Sometimes is embarrassing when my plate is empty and my guests have only just started with no achievable progress.

how do people eat so slow?:confused:
I do tend to wolf food down, especially when hungry. I sometimes notice that half my delicious plate of food has disappeared without me even noticing eating it, and then I slow down!
I've just been thinking if I do or I don't (I know I said I do), but it's confirmed when I've finished I'll take my plate into the kitchen and walk past everyone else eating and they've barely started. I'm not sure if that's because they're fast or because they faff around.
I eat pretty fast relative to other people, but I'm more puzzled how it takes them so long as I don't hurry or neglect chewing etc.

When it comes to my food i dont mess around for some reason i just shovel it all in as quick as possible, dont get me wrong i dont eat like a pig i have excellent table manners and still enjoy the taste of the food.
Its a habbit i cant seem to break, it annoys me somewhat when im out for a meal with the wife and i have to sit there while she finishes when all i want to do is get stuck into the next course.

I would eat quite fast, would my body allow it. I had to have an operation abut 5 years (more?!) or so ago for achalasia - basically the food doesn't go down.

If I'm starving or it's something like bread and meat, if I don't take my time, it just sits in my gullet. I then begin to feel as though I should regurgitate it (which has happened a few times unfortunately).

I usually know if it's happening though, so often I can wolf food down. Sometimes to my peril!
My boyfriend eats really fast. My eating rate has sped up as a result of being with him - I spent a lot of time when we were first together with him sitting, watching me eat in restaurants.

He not only eats fast, but eats in HUGE bites - can eat a full sandwich in 4 bites. Seriously.

I have made an effort to slow my eating down again as I am trying to lose weight and find I don't eat as much if I eat more slowly.
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