Do you ever have strong opinions on OCUK Threads or User comments?

Posting less and less these days, especially after a few downright nasty emails sent to me about comments I’ve made in a thread (wtf?)

I used to have that a lot in the old days, some really bad language and insults hurled at me.
I even had a Don having a right insulting go at me because I said in a post I don't recycle.
We’ve now got our own term for this phenomenon, “dowie hole” :D

By ‘we’ you mean a group of regular, quite bitter posters in speakers corner...

Anyone can look at my post history on my profile, and take a look at the sort of posts I’ve been making on here.

On the other hand there have been several threads locked or deleted recently, that would be thanks to some SC regulars who just start venting at everyone or calling certain posters racists. Noting to do with me, I wasn’t the target of the accusations either.

Ironically the GD BLM thread is still going, the SC racism one started with a great OP by @NVP sadly not so much as people with low content posts who don’t engage in discussion turned it into a massive argument with others... yet SC is supposed to be for serious discussion. Take a look at most threads in there at the mo...

Ha, to clarify... I don't mean I get confrontational or aggressive but then choose not to post because it would be rule breaking. It's that I often type until I realise that what I really needed was to put my thoughts down in writing, and that I don't actually want or need to engage in the discussion. An exercise, essentially. It's probably not relevant to the OP, thinking about it, more in response to others who say they often don't bother posting.
I used to have that a lot in the old days, some really bad language and insults hurled at me.
I even had a Don having a right insulting go at me because I said in a post I don't recycle.

I couldn’t care less what’s said publicly on the forum, but for someone to find my email and make it personal is not on imo.

I wonder if they are enjoying the numerous dubious mailing lists they are now subscribed to... :D

I certainly wouldn’t expect nor tolerate such behaviour from a Don, did you take that further in any way?
I couldn’t care less what’s said publicly on the forum, but for someone to find my email and make it personal is not on imo.

I wonder if they are enjoying the numerous dubious mailing lists they are now subscribed to... :D

I certainly wouldn’t expect nor tolerate such behaviour from a Don, did you take that further in any way?

[email protected] I subscribed to your mailing list lol
Have you met Scania? I bet you it's a freeserve or ntlworld address :D

I think @dowie is actually spot on with the point he's making, it was a really great OP by myself.
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I certainly wouldn’t expect nor tolerate such behaviour from a Don, did you take that further in any way?

Over 10 years ago I was very argumentative and always stayed that one word away from a ban so I took it as justified.
I've calmed down so much and just prefer reading others fighting it out.
I come up against a much broader range of viewpoints on these forums than I do in my every-day life, so getting involved in debates on here forces me to really think about my position on any given subject and hone my thinking.

I've changed my mind to varying degrees on certain topics, and found stronger arguments for previously held positions, by discussing them on here.

However, it takes a lot of time and energy to really get the most out of this approach, so quite often I'll just read the discussion rather than get involved.
I prefer to stay away from arguments, it's not worth the hassle. I do like to see a broad range of view points and find this forum much more tolerant then most of the internet and therefore a much more pleasant place to be. In fact I now actively avoid posting comments everywhere else, I did used to post occasionally on Reddit but have found that too toxic, even on the more niche interests where both users and moderators create a detestable environment that have completely eroded my interest to even continue reading.
Nope. not at all. I used to, but I've stopped caring about anything most people do the past few years. I'm very rarely active on OCUK as I tend to prefer Reddit these days. Can do a nice clean hit on a comment and not bother responding. I get 'downvoted' so much that it tends to attract attention so my message gets seen regardless :D

But nah, my days of debating online is well and truly over. Don't care to change anyone's mind in the slightest.
Brexit thread...I learnt not to post in there the hard way.
One poster was very very angry ...very ,could feel their head imploding from the other side of the universe as they typed responses.
NO. FORUM POSTERS NEVER HAVE STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT ANYTHING. I mean how could you even say that? You'll find (if you bother to look at the facts) that internet posters like myself are always totally reasonable and level headed and not one of those SHOUTY people who just get abrupt, abusive and antagonistic over minutiae and tangential distractions. FACT. Moi? Angry? TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF YOU ******** ****** ****** ***** of a ***** **** **** Now just agree with me or I will <insert nasty vindictive verbs> and <a few more of them> your <insert some sort familial relation> with a <choose a noun of your choice>. That clear? Good, let's move on.

(and yes that was sarcasm for anyone unable to tell).

Seriously though there are some people on here who need to take a walk, breathe deep and let things go. I've not been on here long and can already spot a few names which I now just try and ignore as it's not worth the time or effort trying to discuss with them from what I've observed in other threads. I have to remind myself that other opinions do exist and that's ok, and it's not my job to persuade people otherwise, even when they are talking about something they clearly don't understand, with less corroboratory evidence than a tabloid would consider adequate to go to print, and where I have direct professional experience. I do however try to take a stand where someone is giving potentially dangerous advice. Even then it's difficult. The nastiness in some posts is concerning sometimes. As in nastiness and blinkered self-centredness of opinions held, not necessarily direct attacks on other posters, although I've seen some of those too sadly. As the great prophet Disney says: Let it go...

I think a problem on here at the moment is that the pubs are shut. All the middle aged men who usually go to the pub to have a good complain about 'how things are not as good are they used', 'don't understand youth of today' etc. have no place to vent so GD takes the brunt of it. :p
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