My earliest and strongest food memory is making rhubarb crumble with my Nan in her flat down the road. She had a honking great rhubarb plant/bush thing at the end of her garden and every summer we'd cut the stalks off a couple of times and make dirty great crumbles. I love the smell and taste and it reminds me of her now every time I have it. She died when I was 11, so this must have been when I was 5 or 6.
I also remember her cooking tongues in a big boil pot to feed the dog with and I can't stand to even look at them even now. Also I remember her making home made brawn (spelling?) from half a pigs head. Smelt vile as it was boiling but fantastic once made into the terrines.
Do you have any?
I also remember her cooking tongues in a big boil pot to feed the dog with and I can't stand to even look at them even now. Also I remember her making home made brawn (spelling?) from half a pigs head. Smelt vile as it was boiling but fantastic once made into the terrines.
Do you have any?