Do you hear "The Hum"

11 Feb 2004
I started hearing a very low, droning hum a few weeks ago. It's very faint and best described as a car idling outside your house. Having checked outside numerous times it's definitely not an idling car. After that I just assumed it was something in our house. Maybe the central heating or something. But today I went round to someone else's house and heard the exact same sound, which really freaked me out! I've asked many people I know if they can hear it but none of them can.

I got a bit worried and started thinking it might be some sort of hearing problem, like tinnitus for example. But I did a bit of Googling and found this:

Article from the Independent
Also a Wiki link

The sound described in these articles is exactly what I've started hearing and apparently it can be heard by around 10% of people in the country.

Anyone else tuned into this sound? If so what are your findings?

At the moment I'm still in a curious stage and it all seems like a bit of a mystery, but I'm really hoping it doesn't start to become annoying and effect my sleep or life in general.

Ok, so I've found that the humming sound I'm hearing is exactly the same pitch every time. It seems to match a frequency of exactly 60hz.

I will hear this for short periods at a time, anything from a couple of seconds up to no more than 20 seconds, and then just silence in between. The pauses between the humming can be any length of time.
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Nope, but tinnitus is driving me insane lately. It's got to the point where my music sounds different, which is worrying because I'd rather lose an arm than my hearing.
Sound like tinnitus, and if it's unilateral and not settling go see your doctor. Work in noisy environments by any chance?

Nope, I work in a fairly quiet office. Never listen to music loudly through earphones or anything either. In fact I don't really like anything really loud, even music.

The two things that are convincing me it's not tinnitus is that it's a very low and almost oscillating drone. Whereas I think tinnitus is normally prolonged high pitch sounds. Secondly the sound doesn't sound internal it sounds external and far away. Like a car up the road in the distance that is idling.
A few times I've lay in bed trying to sleep and I've heard a buzzing, rumble, hum. I thought it was a car/bus outside, or even a transformer in a nearby electrical device. Very strange indeed.
Whereas I think tinnitus is normally prolonged high pitch sounds.


It is usually described as a ringing noise, but in some patients, it takes the form of a high-pitched whining, electric buzzing, hissing, humming, tinging or whistling sound, or as ticking, clicking, roaring, "crickets" or "tree frogs" or "locusts (cicadas)", tunes, songs, beeping, sizzling, sounds that slightly resemble human voices or even a pure steady tone like that heard during a hearing test, and in some cases, pressure changes from the interior ear. It has also been described as a "whooshing" sound because of acute muscle spasms, as of wind or waves.
I have hearing problems and hear all sorts of weird stuff on and off - but nothing like this.

People say it just started one day and they've not been able to shake it. ... so it's not location-specific. But it appears to be specific to locations quite often.

People say they've had their hearing checked. ... so it's not physiological.

So it's neurological. Most likely caused by something in the air or water. ??
I hear it constantly, low him like a sub in standby. Doesn't have any direction to it, like it's coming from everywhere.

The lady at audiology had told me I don't have tinitis. I am psychotic though. The voices went away with the medication but the hum never left.
I started hearing a very low, droning hum a few weeks ago. It's very faint and best described as a car idling outside your house. Having checked outside numerous times it's definitely not an idling car. After that I just assumed it was something in our house. Maybe the central heating or something. But today I went round to someone else's house and heard the exact same sound, which really freaked me out! I've asked many people I know if they can hear it but none of them can.

I got a bit worried and started thinking it might be some sort of hearing problem, like tinnitus for example. But I did a bit of Googling and found this:

Article from the Independent
Also a Wiki link

I know the Independent article is quite old but any idea what happened about the report that was mentioned that was due to be released?
Ive been hearing exactly the same for years. If I cotton bud my ears it usually happens for around 3 days afterwards then goes. I for years thought there was an engine running in the distance, a generator or something making a deep noise. Then I did my research and realised it wasn't aliens, secret government experiments or was due to me being special with special powers. It was in fact inside my ear canal.

Well.....that's what the want me to believe.......:eek:
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