Do you hear "The Hum"

so even though twice I have posted a link to the exact sound that I hear in this thread, that doesn't count as being the same as recording it even though its identical ?

right a tone generator making a sound is one thing, to test whether the sound you hear is real or not you need to record it.

if you set a microphone up that can record that frequency and it records nothing then the sound is in your head you understand that right?

sound is a physical thing it's not magic its not a ghost, it's a pressure wave, if a microphone can pick it up while you can hear it it exists, if it cannot it does not exist and is simply internal.

if you really want to know for certain freaking rent one.

I could post links to half the ****ing spectrum of sound from my tinnitus doesn't mean it's a real sound its just damaged hearing.
got this in my early 20s at first i convinced myself the guy in the falt above had put some sort of tone generator in the roof, as we shaged a lot and made a lot of noise, was only a camping trip that made me realise it was my own hearing, (years of standing next to big stacks and headphones), years later plus more dammage due to work and not using ppe, you get to exept the drone, i get a bad one now if stupid chirp chirp phone rings it repeats in my head for the next few hours, just ignor it any way but dam anoying.
I love the smell of roasted peas in the morning. Smells like... I dunno about victory, but something good.

Well, this is fascinating. I definitely hear it, well, I should clarify that I hear it now, now beginning at some point between now early 2022 when we moved in to this house and village. I'm mid thirties, if this matters. When I say I hear "it", I really mean I hear exactly what others describe across the globe, it's eery listening/reading others explain their experiences as I thought this was something rare, or at least rare enough to be somewhat personal.

When I first heard it I was certain it was environmental, as I only ever heard it in one place, at home in my - crucially - very quiet village. In addition, I can only hear it when there is otherwise total silence. After a few bouts of it, and having turned my head realising it was not variable by direction, I put it down to some sort of ear damage (low freq tinnitus..?) , and I never once thought it might be something others experience.

Today I've been recommended by youtube (thanks algo) this video:

I'm posting this while still watching it, because the answer is less important than the knowledge that it isn't just me.

Also found this page and, as I said at first, this is just fascinating stuff to me. If you have ever heard/are a hearer of the hum, know you are not alone!
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I sometimes here it. Used to think it was a car running outside. Now I try to ignore it and had forgotten about it or got used to it untill I've read this post now I'm going to here it again
On the one hand I'm glad to re-confirm that I'm not a crazy person (or at least not because of this), but on the other, sorry bro :(
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I’ve been hearing something since getting sick only in one ear. Thought maybe the years of loud music and gigs had finally got me. However after racking my brains a bit I think it may be major roadworks a few miles away as it starts at 8PM fairly promptly every night! They are quite far away but maybe the lower frequencies really can travel. Always worth checking for things like that. I’ll know for sure when the road re-opens I guess.
I have had chronic tinnitus for 14 years now. I have a constant sub bass tone at about 90hz as well as constant high pitched ringing around 6000hz.

Sometimes the high pitched ringing will fluctuate almost like a police siren.

It’s grim, I sometimes wish I was fully deaf just so I didn’t have to listen to this every second of every day until the day I die
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