do you keep contact with your Ex?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Even thou i think that if you like them enough to go out with them in the first place, you should stays friends with them. I seem to have lost contact (more like lack of effort) with all of them. Do you think Ex-BF/GF should stay friends or it's better to cut it off clean all together?
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My thoughts on this are that you should only stay friends if you can live with him/her being with someone else. Otherwise you're letting yourself in for a world of hurt in the long run.

Personally I find that I have no option. If I don't talk to her then she'll harass me until I do :o
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I still keep in contact, but then I realy miss her and would get back together with her given the chance, don't think she will keep in contact after shes finished uni tho.
Some yes, some no. Mostly no though.

Most of the less serious ones I'm still in contact with, but I'm most definately not in contact with the ex that I was engaged to. Having changed telephone numbers and email addresses to avoid her, I'm not rushing back into making contact with her again.
Depends on how the relationship ended and depends on how serious the relationship was. With the ex-wife it would be very difficult to stay friends, as the divorce is getting messy and I aint spoken to her since October.

with a ex-girlfriend from 8yrs ago I stay see her at work and still speak to one another and remain friends.

So....... some yes, others no.
My last ex I do. We'd probably see each other every day if i didn't live 100+ miles away as we get on rediculously well and have a right laugh when we're together.

Unfortunately, there's some complications as her older sister goes to the same university as me. :o
I tried to be friends with my last ex, but after 5/6 months of trying I told her I couldn't do it as I still had feelings for her and it wouldn't be fair, I also mentioned that I had a new email address and mobile number. She ranted like a goodun at me calling me all sorts of names :rolleyes: . Luckily she's at uni so I don't have the chance of bumping into her, although my stupid sister did invite her over the other while she was back in the village :mad:
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