Do you know anyone who doesn't like eating?

12 Jun 2004
Obviously I am asking here, in the food section, so unsure we'll get a first hand account! :p

I was chatting to my brother and he casually said he doesn't 'enjoy' eating. He doesn't get any pleasure in it so is perfectly fine with the same handful of meals each day. He has no interest in trying new food and the idea of saying 'wow this tastes great' or something like that...truly baffles him.

He eats to function. He isn't slim or overweight so this isn't an eating disorder thread. It is literally understanding some people can be truly not bothered about food.

Do you know anyone like this? To me, a true food lover, I almost fell over in shock. :o
i know a couple of 'meh food is food' folk. i avoid them now, only because murdering them isn't a realistic option. i love food (too much probably) and the idea of finding food just 'meh' fills me with terror!!
I enjoy food, but at the same time i probably enjoy the process of eating more than the actual food. Probably why i'm a fat ******* :p

I genuinely think i'd be ok with eating the same thing over and over if it ever came to it, although since i have the choice i do tend to go for variety, but i wouldn't say i got massively more "pleasure" over really nice food compared to something like a pot noodle sandwich!
If i was happy to be overweight, unhealthy, and not do sport, whilst feeling not great all the time i'd love food, but sadly i don't. Food is just "okay" on average, some highs, some lows.

I do enjoy the occasional treat, and am thoroughly looking forward to eating loads of cheeses at xmas.

Problem is food is either effort to make, expensive to buy, or unhealthy. Also allergies don't help matters.
There was some user here, can't remember who, who only ate baked beans and didn't care about food in general. Can't remember who that was now or what the thread was about.
perfectly fine with the same handful of meals each day.

Is this somewhat not part of the problem? If you eat the same **** day in day out, then i can't imagine the thought of food in general would excite you.

He probably needs a really good meal out, or a good takeaway to get him thinking food can be great.
Is this somewhat not part of the problem? If you eat the same **** day in day out, then i can't imagine the thought of food in general would excite you.

He probably needs a really good meal out, or a good takeaway to get him thinking food can be great.

I do agree actually and its a good point. He has a new girlfriend so maybe he'll be introduced to new foods and start to enjoy things.

He does like Dominos but he just gets the same thing all the time...and its awful. The cheeseburger one. :confused:
Eating is often an inconvenience so I get it. I wouldn't say I am the biggest fan of 'food' but I can appreciate a really nice meal. Anything in between feels like a total waste of money.
My partner is on Sertraline and a few different meds for her anxiety and RA and they absolutely slay her appetite. It sucks because I love to cook and it's one of the ways I show affection. On the rare occasions she asks me to make something it's the best feeling in the world. She's a slip of a thing these days so getting to cram her full of good calorie laden food is awesome.
I actually know a lot of people who really don't seem to give a toss about food.
Half of them do only eat cheap quick-and-easy crap, so are understandably unenthused about it... while the other half likely have a few wires crossed in their brains, as food is designed to be appealing and appeasing, both by nature and by manufacturers. Half of them (half from the first group, half from the second) are too lazy to bother seeking out better quality stuff, or to make good meals themselves either.
My partner is on Sertraline and a few different meds for her anxiety and RA and they absolutely slay her appetite. It sucks because I love to cook and it's one of the ways I show affection. On the rare occasions she asks me to make something it's the best feeling in the world. She's a slip of a thing these days so getting to cram her full of good calorie laden food is awesome.
My son used to be on Ritalin for his ADHD and it completely wiped out any appetite he had. It was a struggle to get him to eat anything for a long time. He eats like a horse now though, no filling him sometimes!
My best mate can live on McCains chips & crisps and doesn't have any interest in anything else - he's 53.
He went abroad one year so I asked his girlfriend what he had to eat, basically he had a plate of chips for dinner & tea and they bought packets of crisps from the supermarket.
My best mate can live on McCains chips & crisps and doesn't have any interest in anything else - he's 53.
He went abroad one year so I asked his girlfriend what he had to eat, basically he had a plate of chips for dinner & tea and they bought packets of crisps from the supermarket.

No way could i tolerate a partner doing this. He must he incredible in bed.
Yes I know a couple and I find it weird.

one is quite an unadventurous sort who won’t spend on food.

the other I think due to drink and other unhealthy life choices never eats and when they do eats junk.

I’m always suspicious of the types who aren’t bothered by food. Also feel sad for them.
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