Poll: Do you like GD the way it is?

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Do you like GD the way it is?

  • Yes, it is fine, spot on, hunky dory.

    Votes: 85 43.8%
  • No, a change is required.

    Votes: 109 56.2%

  • Total voters
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Thats quite a good idea about disabling post count for GD

I have to disagree with you bitboy about the spammers moving to other forums, if spam crops up on other forums then it is *much* easier to deal with as it will be blatantly out of place.

The whole problem with GD is that is a place for 'general' discussion, which covers everything that isnt covered by another forum. Unfortunately this leaves an awful lot of topics, some of which will be of interest to others, some of which will not be.

Personally Im not bothered whatsoever about postcount and wouldnt miss them at all, though as I suggested earlier, perhaps keep the change of avatar but disable the display of post counts to give some recognition to the regular posters on here.

If a person with 2 posts makes an informative post then I certainly will not view their opinions as 'lesser' than someone with 4 thousand.
Originally posted by kibblerok
but how does it work?

i have voted on threads but it doesnt show up :confused: how about not having compulsory rating.... but threads are 1 star by default and people will be tempted to vote good threads higher and vote bad threads 1 star or not at all

The amount of votes required to display the starage was increased from 2 -> 5 stars. Was done because people were rating threads 1 star just because it had a high rating, this way the thread gets a head start.
I'd rather thread voting was banned, or at least went to a three tier system. Reason being that some prat always votes down some threads based on thread starter or anything but the content. It's annoying.
Originally posted by Rich_L
Thats quite a good idea about disabling post count for GD

This will make no difference, or infact could make it worse.

I don't for one minuite beleive people post purely to up their post count. However, if they could post as much as they like without the postcount going wild and giving it away, would they not be tempted to do so?
Originally posted by Rich_L
I have to disagree with you bitboy about the spammers moving to other forums, if spam crops up on other forums then it is *much* easier to deal with as it will be blatantly out of place.

Well we'll agree to disagree then:p

Perhaps calling it spam was a poor choice of words. I just feel that the spamkings of this world wouldn't put as much effort into their posts in other forums just in an effort to pc++. I guess it might not be really classed as spam, but if a reply doesn't add to the thread then it ain't much good to me. It would be a loss to see a thread in one of the hardware forums turn into 4 pages of vague replies of little interest just to boost postcounts. Hey, I guess it might not happen, but that's my reservation about stopping postcounts in GD.
Wrote this too in the other thread, but couldnt get it before it was deleted :)

Another thing which I might add,

I assume the reason that you Dons/Underbosses cannot 'ignore' threads unlike us lesser inhabitants ;) is that you have to check the threads for rule-breaking. But surely this 'comes with the avatar' so to speak, so either employ more Dons/Underbosses or....
there are plenty of 'regulars' who pretty much read every thread going between them, and are well aware of the rules, encouraging these people to use the RTM feature when a broken rule is spotted could be beneficial (admittedly, im guessing most do anyway). Im pretty sure its got to the point where the Dons/Underbosses need not read every thread, and that the 'regulars' can be relied on to report any rule-breaking that occurs.

I have certainly seen many threads, where a 'normal' member has gently reminded the person to edit their post, long before a Don or Underboss need come in and edit it.


[TW]Fox, like you say, I believe its highly unlikely that there are members here who have one eye on their postcount, and their finger frantically clicking on submit reply in order to see their post counts increase.....

bitboy, I stick by my statement that I dont think spam would increase if GD postcounts were disabled, if GD was closed on the other hand then there would certainly be an increase in spam :)


Bod, thing is though, you say WRT to rubbish posts, in whose opinion is this? Obviously there are some posts which are blatant and obvious rubbish, but what about 'border-line' posts? Something which you may view as rubbish may have brought many smiles to faces of other posters on here and so could be considered worthy of posting.

With regards to the repeat posting of the same old jokes/funny videos etc, this will always happen as new member join or miss a thread that has disappeared.

Oooh, new thought, how about a Humour/Funnies Forum, for posting your jokes, funny videos, photochoppery, and anything which might tickle your funny bone?

Or maybe the creation of a Drivel Forum, any threads which are deemed so can be moved there, and your PC will not increase :) Thread can be moved back to GD pending a good explanation and a bribe... :D
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I think GD is a good place really, some users just like to post here to make friends and have things they want to talk about, without GD lots of users will leave (I think)

No suggestions this way :) I just like the way it is!

Originally posted by silverpaw
I'd rather thread voting was banned, or at least went to a three tier system. Reason being that some prat always votes down some threads based on thread starter or anything but the content. It's annoying.

How do you know that happens? I've never done that..

Originally posted by [TW]Fox
I don't for one minuite beleive people post purely to up their post count. However, if they could post as much as they like without the postcount going wild and giving it away, would they not be tempted to do so?

I used to find it hard to believe people would post purely to up their post count but apparently some do..
Originally posted by dirtydog
How do you know that happens? I've never done that

I'm afraid it happens (or at least happened) all the time. I think it's more to do with being a troll rather than having anything against the thread starter or the threads topic. Just not as obvious since ocuk made it 5 votes before the rating would be displayed. It used to be 2 votes and you could bet your bottom dollar someone would vote it 1 star within the hour:(
Originally posted by Bod
PERFECT sense chuck, perfect sense indeed.

We've had a few members leave because of the backbiting and bitchyness in here. and its not on.

People are afraid to post incase they get peoples backs up.

WRT the rubbish posts. Especially the posts that have been done very recently. What would everyone think if the GD dons cracked down on it, and either deleted repeats or simply closed them? That would help "undilute" GD a bit more.

I don't wanna start trouble but..! I have seen some bitchy / provocative comments from Dons/UBs in the past (and I don't mean directed at me) - as well as from others (including me no doubt). Yes it would be nice if it could stop.

I wouldn't complain if a few of the more blatantly 'rubbish' threads like fave colour / what you had for dinner were deleted or closed either.. sounds like a good idea.
no one can improve gd....it will improve itself. anything you do wont work...anything anyone of us wont work...it will either naturaly become great or not

also define great...i think its quite alright...maybe not fantastic but hey whatcha gonna do...at the end of the day its just a forum...if theres threads you dont like dont read them...if there arnt any good threads...make one...if you cant be arsed...screw off...i dont see the problem.

the auguments will blow over...theres nothing you can do...clamping down will just anoy people...you know what anoyed people do...they augue...leave it be...its not like its that bad

this is my final word on the subject
Good idea to remove post counts I think!

Also I find that they never seems to be enough variety of conversation in GD at anyone time, take now for example the majority of the forum is taken up with stuff about Iraq, don't get me wrong i'm not saying this is a bad thing but that just means theres less to talk about! The way I see it there are very fre topic makers in GD with just a main core of people making new threads, I know I don't make many threads at all. But what would be an intresting idea would be to bring, *GOOD* threads in from other sections in the forum, that way bringing them to more people giving people more things to talk about, and hopefully get some of the more under used sections a big audience?

Just an idea.
I think turning off pc is a good idea, maybe in all forums, what is the real point of it anyway? It doesn't tell you anything about someone other than they post a lot or a little. If you like what you read by someone then what does it matter if they have 10,000 pc or 10 pc? Some people seem to think that a high pc is the be all and end all and that it means something that it doesn't. I don't think it's that bitchy in here, no one gets on all the time and being nice all the time is just boring and unrealistic, I prefer to see it more like the way things are not as some idealistic place that will never be. This forum isn't anyway near as bitchy as some I post on. Sometimes it's nice to have a "debate" outside of sc and it's even better if people don't take things the wrong way. I think half the problem is that people are just too touchy, I am myself sometimes but not very often. I think people need to relax and not take everything to heart, after all it's just a forum.

GD is a lot better than it was a short while ago but I think there are too many blatantly spam threads. :D
I'd like to see post counts abolished, flamers dealt with firmly and accurate thread titles which stay on topic to the bitter end.

Instead of the post count system perhaps a user's 'rating' could be established through thread voting. A poster who spams would receive a lot of 1*s which would lower his/her rating. However a poster who produces entertaining threads would earn a higher rating by receiving 5*s from other users.

It'd be a bit like a lot of the advice/help websites out there that calculate the users 'rating' by the number of good answers they give to posed questions. It would provide a more accurate way of weighing up a user than the current postcount system would.

I have no idea how this would be implemented technically though, and if it is at all possible with vBulletin. :confused:
I agree with bitboy - IMHO it's fine as it is. I come here for light hearted discussions and to unwind from the seriousness of the other forums, if I feel like a serious debate I'll go to Speakers Corner or one of the tech forums.
Yes there is spam and pointless/annoying posts in here, but the mod team do a great job of removing the worst of it, and the rest I simply don't read or ignore :) There is enough stuff in here to keep me coming back :D
Keep post counts. Removing them will do absolutely nothing to cut down on "spam". One-line replies and silly threads abound in other forums where post counts aren't displayed. I don't think anyone posts just to increase their PC anyway, except in cases when they are coming up to an avatar change.

A lot of the hostility in GD I think comes from the war debate, an issue people feel strongly about. That will probably (hopefully) die down soon as the war is over. Another reason for perceived hostility might be the increased sarcastic posting by Kanes & co. I don't care much for it.

As for spam threads? They have their place. I can only see one on the GD frontpage anyway. When was the last time someone posted a "What did you have for dinner?" thread anyway? That's always brought up as an example, but I've never seen one. :confused:

By the way I think the wording of this poll is poor. The yes option says "Spot on", i.e. perfect. Obviously it's never going to be perfect. If it was "Yes I am happy with the way GD is" I reckon more people would have voted that way.

Kudos to Bod for starting this thread and getting people to voice their opinions :)
Stand_By_Me_Girl - People frequently complain that the moderators here are too harsh, they have even been called nazi's, and you're suggesting increasing it ? :D On a serious note, you may well have a good point...
As for the post count debate, why is it even being discussed? I have little to no interest in post counts at all, I judge a person by the quality of their posts mostly...
Originally posted by JodieG
I think turning off pc is a good idea, maybe in all forums, what is the real point of it anyway? It doesn't tell you anything about someone other than they post a lot or a little. If you like what you read by someone then what does it matter if they have 10,000 pc or 10 pc?

Agreed. Post counts are the only reason why ppl spam. They want to have the upgraded avatar and feel they ascertain a certain respect having a large post counts (which sadly I feel they wrongly do by many members), regardless if they have posted drivel.

Anyone who doesn't like the idea of post counts going I would suggest does so because they feel a certain superiority having large post counts. I'm no physcologist but it says a lot about their personality (insecure :rolleyes: ).
I'm with the PC being removed, it WILL calm things down in here, simply because some people strive to UP their count in order to gain some sort of respect or be noticed by Spie or another DON. If PC was removed people would then stay and post here because they are loyal to OcUK.

It IS the right way forward, then it doesnt matter about 'how many pc ya got?' We will all be on a level ground...
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