Do you rewatch tv shows?

5 Dec 2008
So just curious as it's really rare I do it, even more so as I have shows to catch up.

That being said year or so ago I watched all of battle star galatica again and over past few nights being doing the same with spartacus series.

There is shows I always watch when I just need to unwind e.g red dwarf but I'll just watch any old episode

Wondered if I'm alone in this? Partly curious as I have friends who once watched something won't go back again even if they loved it
There aren’t many shows I’ve properly re-watched. Most of the time I’m re-watching something it is just background noise while doing other things.
Only time I’ll re watch an episode or 2 is when I’ve had to wait 6-12 months for a new series to come out I’ll watch the last 2 of the last series to get back in the loop.
I occasionally throw on an old episode of a show to unwind or if i need something on in the background.

I used to religiously re-watch old shows but now there's netflix and prime video churning out tv shows I can barely keep up with current tv so rewatching isn't really an option. That being said I still managed to rewatch breaking bad and bojack horseman last year, and I'm halfway through season 4 of GoT. BSG I re-watched every year since I first discovered it, last year was the first year I didn't manage to find the time to do so.
X Files, Babylon 5, Star Trek TNG, Battlestar Galactica, Band of Brothers and The Wire are all shows I go back to every few years
I can't rewatch most shows once I know the story.

Battlestar Galactica is one of the exceptions there actually the miniseries and much of the first season I regularly rewatch especially the opening stuff on the Galactica itself. Same with Stargate Atlantis actually the initial setup I can rewatch quite happily and the odd episode but the bulk of the show I don't find that interesting once I already know the story.

House I can sometimes get into rewatching the odd episode and I do quite enjoy rewatching Yes Minister - it is just so brilliantly done and the story is pretty much secondary.
Yeah me too, that and The Pacific, both highly re-watchable.
Also Battlestar Galactica.

On my list to re-visit are The Sopranos and The Wire, both well worthy of a second watch.

Absolutely. I bought the complete Sopranos collection on BluRay to rewatch. Although that was a couple of years back and so far I haven't taken off the shrink wrap...
Breaking bad I have recently rewatched, I also have things like bottom, young ones on dvd I regularly watch again and again
I've rewatched The West Wing several times and I dip back into Entourage from time to time!

Really looking forward to watching Breaking Bad and BSG as I really enjoyed them the first time around!
Of my own volition:

Buffy, Angel, Firefly (sensing a theme here!)

Because my partner at the time had not seen them as I was happy to re-watch:

Chuck, Better Off Ted, Coupling, Eureka
I rewatch Big Bang Theory (the early seasons) all the time. Friends I would watch it if I happens to stumble across it. At the moment i am rewatching Two and a Half Men from the start as I've not seen it in so long.
Many times I've rewatched Band of Brothers as well as Deadwood, Justified, The Sopranos and of course Columbo (kinda obvious tho :D)
I've rewatched Band of Brothers and Breaking Bad, but they're the only two I can think of. I rarely rewatch films or TV shows and never reread books, I just don't see the point. Imo content loses its wow factor after you've watched/read it for the first time and it feels to me like a waste of time going back over it again, particularly something quite time consuming like a TV series or book.
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