Do you still enjoy any kids programs?

I still get the odd guitly pleasure out of things like The Raccoons, and Cities of Gold ;)

But I find myself quite enjoying a lot of Anime that is really aimed at kids (not Pokemon, but things like Galaxy Angel, and the Miyazaki/Ghibli films).
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
Heroes in a half-shell - Turtle Power!


Seriously, mutant pizza eating turtles that kick ass? What's not to like? Never gets old...
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I always used to love the Gummi Bears but havent seen them for ages now!

Do "The Happy Tree Friends" count? :D
I'm 37 and kids programs today annoy me i.e Sponge bit odd pants, Rugrats etc but if Dangermouse, Magic Roundabout, Chorlton & the Wheelies, ever came back then woot!

I have a 19month old daughter and I cannot sit and watch cbeebies or whatever - they make me cringe. (Fimbles, Furbies, Dick and Dom, those gay alien things with the hoover etc etc) Good thing is she only watches a little bit and then wants to play with her toys or read a book.

I love the Simpsons & Futurama - though they are probably directed at 'adults' anyway.
Kerplunk said:

You my friend have just reminded me of something that has been digging at me for months now!

Biker Mice from Mars!

Thats it!

you're quoting a guy who has the entire first series. you are jealous.
I wish they hadn't updated "Bernard's Watch" to the new "Bernard". I loved the old one with the dopey kid!

New one is still good to watch though
The Raccoons! Used to love that too :)

I agree with AndyBorzi, I can't stand the Cartoon Network / Nickolodeon generation of cartoons - spongebob, dexter's lab, powerpuff girls - argh, they can all take a running jump.

Also, a programme I really miss: Round the Twist
The chuckles are great, i always pmsl at those, and im 33. :D

chuckle chuckle vision ch chuckle vision. chuckle chuckle vision do do. :D

I watch quite a lot of stuff on CBBC and that. :p
Stellios said:
For crying out loud, im 19, i should not be watching Cbeebies and ChuckleVision. Im laughing at it too.

Also still enjoy the original Scooby Doos.

Anyone else out there that watch kids programs they should have grown out of 10 years ago (or more)?

ChuckleVision wasn't funny when I was a kid, now that they are even older its just sad.

theres SOME cartoons that are forever good, jace and the wheeled warriors, MASK, Batman, Spiderman, IRON MAN, Trap Door etc, all classics.
Can't believe I'm the only person to have mentioned Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles! Be ashamed!, be very ashamed!

Heh, I must have been about 8 when I dreamt that I was a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle. Upon awakening I cried because I wasn't a turtle anymore :(

No wait, that was yesterday... :o
MiGSY said:
Can't believe I'm the only person to have mentioned Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles! Be ashamed!, be very ashamed!

Heh, I must have been about 8 when I dreamt that I was a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle. Upon awakening I cried because I wasn't a turtle anymore :(

No wait, that was yesterday... :o

ninja turtles ta
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