Do you use headphones like grado and senns.

30 Jun 2006
While I appreciate that there are a huge amount of dedicated gaming headsets and headphones.

I was wondering do any OC'ers use headphones which are more typically conventional hi fi headphones like something like the Grado's or senns, akg's, sonys etc.?

I can appreciate that some people might use their PC as a source rather than the conventional cdp or tt. So I wonder if they would use headphones from typical headphones systems rather than the gaming headsets.
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I use my Sennheises HD575s pretty rarely atm, but they're good for music and gaming alike.

Are you looking into getting some headphones?
I use my Sennheiser HD580's for gaming/music as they are incredibly comfortable unlike the pap that Medusa come out with :( (not limited to Medusa, you do get what you pay for)
I mainly use headphones with my portable music, but hate earbuds.

I needed a good quality closed headphone and ended up with the Sennheiser HD25's as they leak almost no sound.

It works out quite well on the pc as my wife and kids complain if I'm gaming and they're watching tv. Oh, the bass quality is pretty good on these 'phones.

I did a lot of research and found the forums at invaluable...
Yeah. I use my PC for my music source, along with an external DAC. I use AKG K701 headphones. In the past I've had Sennheiser HD650 and Alessandro/Grado MS-1 for the same purpose. :)
I'm using my Senn HD 212 Pro's, they are now 4 years old, look really battered, but are oh so light weight, comfortable and still sound really good :D

Have got a pair of Sony's I bought cheap as a backup pair, I used them once, man they are no where near as good as the Senns.
wush said:
Yeah. I use my PC for my music source, along with an external DAC. I use AKG K701 headphones. In the past I've had Sennheiser HD650 and Alessandro/Grado MS-1 for the same purpose. :)

How do you find those k701's? While I appreciate their is a lot of info on them at I would be interested in your opinions on them.

I just thought it be interested to see what kind of headphones people use with their PC's as I am sure that not everyone can run them into a speaker system whether 2 channel or a HT setup 24/7.
I mainly listen to music on my PC and use Senneiser EH250's. I don't use a headset because I never use voice coms - the odd time I did for Quake I just used a separate head mic. For my MP3 player I use Senneiser PX100's which are mini-headphones - I can't stand earphones!
I do find like using something as simple as the ipod earbuds start to hurt my ears comfortwise after a while.

So instead I use full size headphones with an adaptor which allows me to connect my headphones to either the ipod, pc or my hi fi.
I have a pair of AKG k271 headphones that I would happily use for anything. They're closed headphones that I bought primarily to avoid spill when recording, but they are more than good enough for listening and playing games.
I have a pair of Grado RS-1's, I wouldn't use the outputs from the soundcard mainly due to the fact they're round the back of the machine (pain plugging in) and lousy headphone stage. Haven't bothered using them for gaming yet...need to sort out PC area. Hopefully within 2 weeks. :)
I use my Senn HD515s when I can't have my 5.1s on (at night past 10pm mainly). They are pretty good. My pc is my main source of what I listen to music on other than my sony walkman so they get quite a bit of use. I bought them mainly because I wanted to have similar quality to my desktop speakers rather than wearing rubbish in ear things. (I don't walk around town with them on or anything though :P, I use in ear ones when I'm listening to my sony ;P)
I've been using a pair of Senn 540refs for years with my PCs. Recently bought a pair of HD600s as they were fairly cheap, but the 540s just refuse to die.
i wish i had a pair of stax lambda signiture 404, they would be my crowning glory headphones. They are the best looking and some of the best sounding around. Way too expensive for me at the moment when you take into consideration the amp would cost about a grand to go with the £400 headphones.
I have the Sennheiser PX 200, but the right ear phone has just gone dead on me. Looking into a new pair now and will probably go wireless because sometimes when I stand up I forget to take off my headphones.
devilkazuya said:
i wish i had a pair of stax lambda signiture 404, they would be my crowning glory headphones. They are the best looking and some of the best sounding around. Way too expensive for me at the moment when you take into consideration the amp would cost about a grand to go with the £400 headphones.

I use a pair of electrostats sometimes with my PC. I have a stax 007t amp. I picked it up cheap for something like 450 squids.
i used to use a pair of Sennheisers PX200. which i oso use with my ipod..

but after wearing it for a couple of hours, the ears kinda get pretty warm and uncomfortable. in the end, i sold it off on ebay.

now, i dun use any headphones. i'm thinking of getting Sony earbuds for use with my ipod.

for my PC, i'm using hte Klipsch Promedia Ultras 5.1.. and i've a set of Cambridge 250D in london..
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