DOD:Source - updates??

Rebel=UK= said:
I am rubbish at it, cant hit crap. Im only half decent with a sniper and even then im rubbish. You cant just spray and pray on this one unlike CSS. Ill stick with it tho for abit longer :)
I was like that at first. I stuck at it and started playing more and now i'm not too bad. If using a machine gun, then always crouch before shooting and shoot in bursts instead of long sprays.

After getting used to the game as assault or support, then try the rifles and use the same techniques you learnt from when using the machine guns.

5am :eek: :(
Liking the update. The detonation mode is very cool, especially when you get down the to the last bomb and everyones defending it/attacking it. Great frantic action, which is exactly why I play DoD.

Not 100% sure the new maps are balanced, but they are definitely fun :D
i agree, the first game i had on it was very good. you actually felt as if you had to work as a team, something thats been lacking for me with this game. so hopefully this will change it for me. although a lot of the people on the server were moaning about it. saying its not what they were expecting etc. ill deffinately be playing more of it though as ive neglected it before due to the amount of nobbers on the servers :( (team killing/spawn raping etc)
fullfat said:
i agree, the first game i had on it was very good. you actually felt as if you had to work as a team, something thats been lacking for me with this game. so hopefully this will change it for me. although a lot of the people on the server were moaning about it. saying its not what they were expecting etc. ill deffinately be playing more of it though as ive neglected it before due to the amount of nobbers on the servers :( (team killing/spawn raping etc)

Likewise, I really didn't like DoD:S but then I'm a moaning old git who wants it back like 3.1b... but I've managed to get over this and I'm actually quite enjoying it now. The detonation gameplay promotes teamwork and with even teams rounds can get a bit tense, although this can mean it only takes one numptie to ruin it for a team :mad: The garand update is massive, it's almost like a 1.3b garand! All in all a good update and I'm enjoying online gaming again which is all good! :)
ive purposely forgot to use the garrand, is it really that much better now?
might have to leave my machine gun at home for a few roundsd now youve said that :D
Yep, it's much better than before.

I'm liking the update but i think that detonation mode should be enabled on all maps and not just the two new ones, same goes for the old flag type game mode.
Just trying to buy DOD through Valve but the site can't be displayed. I then tried ont he Valve site and it still won't display. Any ideas?
Agent_matt said:
It's the same with all the games :(. Like you say, it's probably busy. I'll try early Saturday morning and leave it on during the day.
Reinstall Steam over the top of itself, that should fix the issue.
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