Dodgy 120gig Western Digital problems

19 Oct 2002
The land of Cows n Grass!
Is there a reason why somebody would create a handfull of partitions on a 120gig hard drive, but in stupid sizes like 5gb and then 12gb etc, we couldnt write data to any of them btw

The thing is my brother-in-law bought an hard drive from ebay, the seller had 100% feedback so he had no reason to worry. I popped around to fit the drive for him and he asked for me to erase the partitions so he had the full 120gb whatever etc. This is where the trouble started because I can create partitions easy enougth but can we format them, NO!

The drive makes the pc hang hard, nothing will work on it and even the WD diagnostic software says the drive has a problem, says it has a read element failure? after googling about this I have come to the conclusion this is faulty but the seller just makes out its fine and says were stupid
LOL the seller is an idiot

He says he has a 250gb drive and cant use 100gb because windows xp cannot see it, nothing that service pack 2 cant sort out lol and he knows dam well. But that still doesnt mean this is the problem regarding the wd drive, it just wont complete a format and locks the pc so hard you have to pull the psu power lead.

I think I know exactly what hes done, hes mapped around the bad sectors and just sold it, hes saying there isnt a code that says its faulty lmao how stupid does he think we are?
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