Originally posted by VDO
0.9r is not infinite. Where did you get that from?
Where did I say that? 0.9r is infinite in the sense that it cannot be counted. Just like you cannot count the infinitely small number between 0.9r and 1. It does exist, we just lack the appropriate term to describe it.
Many people (Mathematitians, physicists, normal people) when dividing 10 by three count the 3.3r as 3.333 just for arguments sake. 3.3r is not 3.333. 3.3r is an infinite number.
Why should I not count 0.9r as 0.999? Let me guess, "because it is not 0.999, it has an infinite number of 9's on the end which cannot be counted".
Just like 3.3r is not the same as 3.333, because 3.3r is an inifinite number. Can you honestly not tell me that sometime in your life you have trimmed 3.3r down to 3.333 when dividing 10 by three? Hell, even my calculator does that...
So, "for all intents and purposes" 3.3r is 3.333.
Then, "for all intents and purposes", 0.0 with an infinite number of 0's and a 1 on the end (Whereever it may be, even if there is no end), is 0.0r1 in my book (As you said), or 0.001.
No matter how many 9's, whether than be counted or not, whether they end or not, there will always be that infinitely small number inbetween 0.9r and 1.