Does a patrol car can send NIP without pulling you over if speeding

Without actual proof? Does the copper have a speed measuring device inside their eye?

No, many police vehicles have calibrated speedometers. So if a police officer is following you at an indicated 40 in a 30 zone, and they write it in their notebook as soon as possible after the event (the infamous contemporaneous notes) then that notebook is seen by the court as if it was recorded on video. I believe the serving police officer fully outlined this process in their post.
Without actual proof? Does the copper have a speed measuring device inside their eye?

End of first paragraph - "These are the bare minimum requirements, but if a case is challenged or progressed to Court, a detailed Statement would normally be served"

It's sufficient for one police officer to corroborate the evidence of another officer. For a motorway speeding offence the evidence of one police officer is sufficient.

Speeding offences FAQs

What can a Police officer use to corroborate his opinion that I am speeding?

When a policeman states that he thinks you were speeding this is merely his opinion that you were speeding. In order to be convicted a police officer must also provide evidence which corroborates his opinion that you were speeding. Speeding is the only offence under English Law which requires evidence of corroboration. This can be done in a number of ways.

The most usual corroboration is by way of static or mobile camera or hand held laser, but a police officer can also use his own speedometer in his vehicle to corroborate his opinion that you are speeding.

It is also sufficient in law for a second police officer to corroborate the evidence of another officer. Therefore if two police officers provide evidence that you were speeding then this is sufficient to convict.

However, these corroboration requirements do not apply with Motorway speeding offence.

With the right expertise it is possible to challenge evidence of corroboration.
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