Does anyone actually enjoy playing games anymore!?

I gave up around 2006, when the games changed from story to massive online worlds, they just got dull, I still play pubg and a few mobile games but not PC.
I don't enjoy it like I used to - but it does take more from a game these days to grab me in an age where games seem to be much more slapped together carelessly than ever.
I've made a big shift away from online multiplayer games after them being my main genre for so many years, these days I am more into solo offline games or co-op games with friends. I just cant deal any more with online players, their behaviour makes me want to vomit, sure sure...they call the things they do and say banter/trolling/"funny" etc, I just call it childish and annoying so I stick to gaming with friends/solo
I just cant deal any more with online players, their behaviour makes me want to vomit, sure sure...they call the things they do and say banter/trolling/"funny" etc, I just call it childish and annoying so I stick to gaming with friends/solo

Hah yeah - I don't take it personally - think they are just dicks - but it is something I just don't want to be around as well - it is just so pathetic. That and the cheating just ruin so many MP experiences these days so I tend to play co-op a lot more or 64 player MP where the childish BS is sidelined somewhat.
It's the bugs and waiting for patches that has got tiring. Don't recall this being the case in the olden days of say HL/Prey etc.
I gave up multiplayer after gears 1!

Got fed up of kids squeelling at me and shouting they gonna f my mum.

Gears 2 was great so I could punch them in the face.........lots ,
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I still enjoy playing SP games, I’m just very fussy about what I spend money on theses days.

Astroneer, Subnautica, and modified XCOM 2 all continue to provide fun diversions from a cold and sodden SW France.
Street of rage 4 brought it back for me. Also currently loving Ori. Tomb raider did it for me, the first one. Rage also, I couldn't put it down
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I find a lot of games are just too long now; and with silly save systems. Its cool being a 40 hr game but of 39 hrs of it are pretty much a repeat its meh
The Last of Us is the absolute pinnacle of gaming. It shows what the medium of computer games is capable of. Sublime interactive story telling.

People are indeed too hung up on performance of things. I've said it a bunch of times. You can see that a lot of posters in the Graphics card forum aren't game enthusiasts. They are benchmark enthusiasts.
Very much still enjoying them.

Since ps5 launched I have completed

Miles morales
Demons souls

90% of the way through links awakening on switch.

I am halfway through greedfall at the moment.

& 2 seasons of football manager on pc!

Ive really enjoyed all of them. Demon's souls feels like the highlight.
Only found the first half of Subnautica enjoyable - it kind of became far too much a chore in the second half especially as you were intended to use the big sub which was more effort than it paid off and I ended up using the prawn suit and grapple instead just to complete the game.

It is one of the few games though where the experience stays with you long after you've completed it.

I really hope they redo the game one day with ray tracing and bring the second half of the game up to the level of the first half - there is obviously a lot of intended to be interwoven story elements that they never had the time to do in the second half as well as a lot of the mechanics in the second half feeling rushed and incomplete.
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