Does anyone actually enjoy playing games anymore!?

Yes, I still do enjoy playing games though I mainly like to dip in and out of older classics during a busier schedule than I used to have when I was younger. I do like to have at least one triple-A title on the go at all times, though.

The amount of choice and constant online sales are, on one hand, a good thing, though on the other I think the days of me getting excited before a release are, unsurprisingly, greatly reduced. The last games I can recall that I was really looking forward to playing upon release were Doom 2016/Fallout 4.

I do, however, try to avoid at least some of the trailers and media to therefore minimise spoiling the experience before it has even begun.

Due to there being so much choice of what to play, I'm almost always more than happy to wait a year or two for the price to come down before purchasing something. Even then, very often it will sit in my library for a rainy day, e.g. Elite Dangerous, Metro Exodus, Alien Isolation, Ark, Borderlands 3, GTA V, Pillars of Eternity, Watchdogs 1 & 2 - none of which I've played, bar a few mins of Exodus. And that's only some of them in one account.
Yes but you have to get out of this trap of playing the same types of games, anything battlefield/call of duty just avoid, they are rehases of the same **** only worse. But it goes for any genre, F1 games for example, I really got into one of them 2012, but then I got 2015 for a pound, and man it wasnt even worth that, then I bought one of the more recent ones and refunded it on steam within 2 hours. Gotta try and expand and play stuff outside of your comfort zone, yes some of which you wont like but you'll find somethines you love.

I play PUBG a lot.....

But aside from that I play games like Kerbal Space Program, and Cities Skylines a lot, these games are quite different.

Fallout 4 although a FPS, singleplayer and highly moddable was one I have put a LOT of hours into over the last few years.

X4: Foundations, currenty waiting for the latest terran release which will add a LOT of content.

Rocket League is another.

All games recently I ahve been playing that I ahve had a lot of hours of enjoyment out of.
The Last of Us is the absolute pinnacle of gaming. It shows what the medium of computer games is capable of. Sublime interactive story telling.

People are indeed too hung up on performance of things. I've said it a bunch of times. You can see that a lot of posters in the Graphics card forum aren't game enthusiasts. They are benchmark enthusiasts.

I'll have to wait until a PS5 is cheap
The last year or two I'm enjoying it more than I have in maybe 6 years before that.
I like my high and stable framerates at 4K but I still enjoy the actual games themselves.

Meh, feel like everything is pretty dull nowadays. Nothing really pushing the boundaries. Im probably just not looking hard enough but I find that I don't care to.
If you have a pretty good radar as far as being able to tell at a glance what might be good and what absolutely isn't worth the time then it really doesn't take all too much effort to find great stuff.
A cursory glance on steam is enough
I got sucked in by games with grinds that hook you in on getting to the next level to unlock some menial junk, especially mobiles games. I deleted them all. It's all about story-driven for me now, like Firewatch for example. MMORPGS can get in the bin.
I lost interest and so have given up for now. Waiting to see if Bohemia Interactive continue with the Arma series and interested to see what the Enfusion engine will bring, it's rendering and animations system is used in DayZ but im not interested in that game. PC was best for modding and user generated content for free and a free editor topped it off, the use of varied aircraft and varied vehicles for land and waterborne vessels breaks up the monotony of pounding the ground. So much potential for the PC platform, what a shame really.
At the grand Old age of 39, I seem to have completely lost it with gaming, every time I play a new game, I am like "meh, I have basically played this before, this just have better graphics and different content, but I am still doing the same thing again and again" I just can't get into games like I once did
At the grand Old age of 39, I seem to have completely lost it with gaming, every time I play a new game, I am like "meh, I have basically played this before, this just have better graphics and different content, but I am still doing the same thing again and again" I just can't get into games like I once did

At 36 I'm starting to feel the same way for some games. However platformers and metrodvania's hold true to me (probably throwing back to the glorious 16-bit days).

I'm mostly playing Valheim and PUBG nowadays but only with close friends and using discord. It's been a nice way to socialize the past year or so :)
Like others have said for me gaming has been more social for MANY years, at least anything multiplayer or co-op.

I dont get much enjoyment from the game or content, more so with the people i play and chat and joke with.

More recently, ive been trying different story driven games and its made me enjoy gaming a lot more in recent years.

Bought a ps4 in lockdown and played through the Spiderman game, and God of war 4 and both where VERY enjoyable titles to play through solo.
I still enjoying games, I think the problem these days is there are so many, it's hard to find the diamonds hidden amongst all the gravel. As with others, the type of games I play has also changed a lot, probably a combination of growing up and having kids meaning not as much time to play. I used to play a lot of MMOs, but these days tend to stick to either SP story based games, or coop games I can play with a few mates on a dedicated server.

It is one of the few games though where the experience stays with you long after you've completed it.

Absolutely this. It's been one of the few games (many have tried and failed) which has really managed to instil that feeling of being totally and utterly alone and isolated. I don't know if it's the quality of the audio-logs dotted around or the fact the world is so alien and 90% of the indigenous life tries (often quite successfully) to eat you, but there's something very lonely about it.

Dying to play Below Zero, but want to wait till it's out of EA first.

Little Nightmares 2 released a few days ago. I have bought it but yet to find time.
Is this similar to Ori?
I lost interest and so have given up for now. Waiting to see if Bohemia Interactive continue with the Arma series and interested to see what the Enfusion engine will bring, it's rendering and animations system is used in DayZ but im not interested in that game. PC was best for modding and user generated content for free and a free editor topped it off, the use of varied aircraft and varied vehicles for land and waterborne vessels breaks up the monotony of pounding the ground. So much potential for the PC platform, what a shame really.

ARMA was a game I really really wanted to get into but found it incredibly difficult. It really is a proper a PC game and I feel like I missed the boat on it. I didn't know they was doing a new engine for it. Depending on PC prices when its out I could be tempted to upgrade the aging 2500k.

Other than I would like a classic sub based MMO without the far east infested artwork, traditional races that do not look stupid, min 15 man raiding, 6 man player dungeons, Solo Dungeons, with the DEV saying, its a PVE game if you want to PVP then its fine but no development resource will be used for itemisation for PVP, mechanics for PVP its nothing more than flag system. PVP wrecks MMO`s its nothing but toxic. In other words turn back the clock 15 years to the golden days of the MMO.
Single player for me I still enjoy when I get the chance - I always liked playing with friends online but at that point in life where kids/work/life makes it almost impossible to really play together anymore which is a shame.

More recently I've really been enjoying racing sims since VR came around and even more so since building a racing rig. Unfortunately I don't really have all that much time to dedicate to actually getting particularly good at it so I stick to offline AI races, more so I don't ruin anyone else's fun with my crap overtaking or getting in the way.

DCS is another I enjoy but again it's a question of time, that game really needs a significant time investment to start fully enjoying it. Some of the other flight sims like MSFS and IL2 are good fun just to hop into and get going without needing to dedicate large chunks of time to.

But yeah generally haven't touched multiplayer in many moons... partly just not really interested in playing against people I don't know and partly because a lot of it's just toxic and I don't have the patience for that. The only game that tempts me in that regard is star citizen, but I still don't massively enjoy actually doing anything co-operative with strangers and I'm really looking forward to the point that some of my mates can get into it and we can go do some stuff together.
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