Yes, I still do enjoy playing games though I mainly like to dip in and out of older classics during a busier schedule than I used to have when I was younger. I do like to have at least one triple-A title on the go at all times, though.
The amount of choice and constant online sales are, on one hand, a good thing, though on the other I think the days of me getting excited before a release are, unsurprisingly, greatly reduced. The last games I can recall that I was really looking forward to playing upon release were Doom 2016/Fallout 4.
I do, however, try to avoid at least some of the trailers and media to therefore minimise spoiling the experience before it has even begun.
Due to there being so much choice of what to play, I'm almost always more than happy to wait a year or two for the price to come down before purchasing something. Even then, very often it will sit in my library for a rainy day, e.g. Elite Dangerous, Metro Exodus, Alien Isolation, Ark, Borderlands 3, GTA V, Pillars of Eternity, Watchdogs 1 & 2 - none of which I've played, bar a few mins of Exodus. And that's only some of them in one account.
The amount of choice and constant online sales are, on one hand, a good thing, though on the other I think the days of me getting excited before a release are, unsurprisingly, greatly reduced. The last games I can recall that I was really looking forward to playing upon release were Doom 2016/Fallout 4.
I do, however, try to avoid at least some of the trailers and media to therefore minimise spoiling the experience before it has even begun.
Due to there being so much choice of what to play, I'm almost always more than happy to wait a year or two for the price to come down before purchasing something. Even then, very often it will sit in my library for a rainy day, e.g. Elite Dangerous, Metro Exodus, Alien Isolation, Ark, Borderlands 3, GTA V, Pillars of Eternity, Watchdogs 1 & 2 - none of which I've played, bar a few mins of Exodus. And that's only some of them in one account.