Does anyone else install Windows without Ethernet connected?

10 Dec 2007
Any time I install Windows with Ethernet it always seems like a bad idea. These preinstalled drivers along with a Nvidia driver that is 8 months out of date. Windows also thought it was a good idea to install an AMD driver from 2017.

It just seems like a much better idea to disconnect Ethernet and have drivers on the USB stick. Once you have installed everything then connect Ethernet. This way you also have the added benefit of having a local account instead of all this Microsoft stuff shoved down your throat.

Any downside to this approach?
This is how I do it.

I just copy the required drivers to the windows install USB stick.

I also tend to make a new w10 install USB each time so I'm starting with most updates already.
I haven’t for a long time now, I’ll create a new Win10 USB download latest drivers etc and do a fresh install and sign-in with my MS account.
On home if I want to create only a local account yes. On pro it still offers you the option even with the internet connected.
I have always disconnected ethernet before a clean install of windows. I only ever reconnect it after I have installed graphics card and chipset drivers etc.
I just leave everything connected and install new drivers.

I could be wrong but I see no difference than being a few months down the line and having to install new drivers, than having to install new drivers on a fresh install.

Can I ask what the reasoning is behind installing offline and then installing the latest drivers?

Yes I get by being offline you won’t get auto update drivers but what’s the harm in that?
I just get the latest Win10 ISO image so it's reasonably up to date, and install while connected. Then install nVidia drivers....and let windows update do the rest.

We're past the bad old days. When running LANparties back in the 90s (EDIT: must have been early 00s), we had a little experiment where we built a fresh unpatched windows XP machine and connected it directly to the internet. It was pwned in less than a minute :D
Generally I install disconnected because its quicker.

I hear in Windows 11 "Home" you can no longer do it. It needs a MS Account to set up. Can still do it locally for the Pro apparently.
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