Does anyone else no longer recognise the tech community?

maybe you missed my question, or I edited it in to one of my posts after.

would you be able to cycle for hours with only one of the wireless headphones in and would there be a risk of losing it at 15-30mphs because there could be a risk of it falling from your ear due to all the vibrations

No risk of losing it because it hooks over your ears. No idea how many hours you could go as I’ve never listed for many hours in a row. 5/6/7 hrs maybe? No idea really.
Knew this thread would go downhill quickly.

You cant be much of an enthusiast then.

windows phone
google glass

You didnt own any of those things? You must be one of those non-tech enthusiasts you were talking about!

I had a windows phone (and still have 2). Google glass was clearly going nowhere so I didn’t own one.

Your sarcastic post doesn’t go unnoticed though. It’s a shame we can’t have a sensible adult discussion on this forum :(.

I’m getting the impression that tech-enthusiasts aren’t really welcome here anymore.
3.5mm Headphones never need recharged. And you'll likely need a new set of Bluetooth headphones so you'll spend more money. Ideally on the same brand as your phone.
Wireless charging gives you LESS freedom to use your device compared to a cable, not more.
Micro SD Cards allow you to upgrade the storage on your phone simply, quickly and cheaply. Phone manufacturers don't want you doing that, they want you to buy a new phone with bigger capacity.

Many of the technological 'improvements' these days aren't for our benefit, they're for the companies, the manufacturers and the retailers. They exist to get us to spend money, not because they represent a massive technological leap over what came before. There's ZERO reason to remove the headphone jack, although I will concede it allows phones to become thinner but how thin does a phone really need to be, other than to make us all rush out and buy Bluetooth headphones, often at £100+, sometimes if you want earpods, £200+.

You'll always have a wire with a pair of wired headphones but wireless headphones only need to be connected to something when charging. Why would I need a new set of bluetooth headphones?
requires both of them to be in at the same time though because they are attached by a wire or what?

when I cycle I only use one headphone so I am still aware of whats going on behind me (not cycling on roads) and if it happens to fall out It's not lost since the wire goes up the inside of my tshirt and our of my my collar enabling it to safely dangle

No requirement for them both to be in, they can operate independent of one another. They are wireless headphones, no wires.
Not sarcastic, just honest. Your threads always end up the same way and thats because pretend to ask an open question to invite debate, but what you're actually do is state an opinion then tell everybody else they are wrong ad infinitum. This is what you always do. Just in this thread, for instance, you have already told us we're a forum full of non-tech enthusiasts because we 'push against new tech' and don't adopt and yet i've just reeled off a list of technologies, most of which you've never touched let alone bought in to.

I'm sorry if you don't like it, it's just the truth.

So why can’t we have a discussion about why some people are shunning the obvious direction of travel for Bluetooth headphones, USBC, cloud storage etc? As an enthusiast I can see and welcome the obvious benefit of these. Why do some people not see the obvious benefit of these things? These are the people/community I no longer recognise as being the same as me in terms of being an enthusiast.
Like I said, wired headphones never need charged. Some poor Bluetooth versions only last 2-3 hours. If they need charged 2-3 times a day, what's the point? If you had a set of 3.5mm headphones and you buy a new phone without a 3.5mm jack, you'd need a new pair of Bluetooth headphones?

Why? Just connect your wired headphones to an adapter that connects to the port on your phone?

I think you’d be unwise to buy headphones with only 2-3 hours battery life!
also lets not forget there is a point where the benefits have to justify the increased costs and for many of us the benefits are often negligible

or the benefits become an annoyance like having to worry about charging multiple devices per day

I think this is what I mean by over-egging an issue. Is placing your phone and watch on a wireless charger at the end of the day *really* that much of a hardship?
Discussions are awesome, but your idea of a discussion is everybody agreeing with you. I already said for example that moving to pure cloud storage is almost impossible and i believe it's a complimentary technology, not a replacement. That's a discussion, but you dont agree with it so that leaves you telling us we just dont understand.

Same as always.

I don’t think we should be pure cloud storage but I do believe our primary storage will be cloud based, not on micro SD cards as in the past.
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