Does anyone else struggle day by day, week by week with work?

26 Aug 2018
Outside your house
I walk out of interviews these days.
25 Aug 2006
This is also the trap they put you in, so you keep pushing on for years and years working for utter bells, because you feel if you don't you're doomed.

I've got my Immediate Pension in the bag, payable immediately upon leaving, but every year i'm there i'm collecting a wage and bumping up the pension.

However, during a restructure i was moved, now instead of 1 team, i'm leading 3 and across multiple sites. No extra pay, but more responsibility and with teams outside of my skillset.

Not happy, not enjoying it, but will stick it out for the remainder of my contract or until something piques my interest elsewhere.
3 Aug 2015
Hey All,

I normally really dont like to share my personal information, news or anything else across the forum.
But seeing this and needing to put my own two cents in, I am struggling so much right now.
I am trying to do all the right things for my business, I've hired an admin woman, starting another business with a friend to tackle an industry problem, things are going well business wise, but my motivation and determination is in the bin.

Why? because I lost my dad in Feb, he was 62, I am in my 30's and its hit me like a sledgehammer. Dad was the only one in my family interested in my business even though he didnt understand it, told me to call him when things progress and now im at that mark trying to push forward, I can and I will, but I cant call him to celebrate. I am not enjoying it anymore, every day is a struggle to get through work, get home and get ready for the next day.

Work could literally dry up tomorrow and I would not care right now, I've lost my biggest supporter for my business and I dont feel like I want to continue with it.

Sorry I know this is a bit of a work struggle chat and mines not exactly that. I needed to just throw something out, its been a real rough day.
20 Feb 2011
I doubt this will help but you sound like a typical entrepreneur. There was a study a good few years back (don't ask for sources - read it somewhere!) where successful entrepreneurs were interviewed. One of the most common things said during the interview was "I wish Mum/ Dad/ my parents were here to see how well I've done." So you're not alone in having the feelings you have. It's perfectly normal. It's a cliche but that doesn't stop it being true - time is a great healer. Stick at your work as it'll give you something to do and help keep your mind off things. Getting over grief isn't like a switch being flicked - it's a gradual process. And keep doing what you're doing for yourself and your own future.
31 Dec 2023
Depends? How often does this sort of thing happen then?

I take it from your response you haven't been to interviews, you must be desperate for a job or your interview was for an unskilled job.

If not, you must have gone to an interview and felt the wage does not cover the workload, trying to negotiate down the wage, the job wasn't what you thought it was, you felt it wasn't right the company, didn't like the manager because he was arrogant, or your current job is better than the job you are going for. Therefore you terminate the interview dependent on the situation.

There are many our factors that would lead you to walk out of a job interview. These include having a rude interviewer, trying to alter the wage last min, attempting a power play.
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31 Dec 2023
Hey All,

I normally really dont like to share my personal information, news or anything else across the forum.
But seeing this and needing to put my own two cents in, I am struggling so much right now.
I am trying to do all the right things for my business, I've hired an admin woman, starting another business with a friend to tackle an industry problem, things are going well business wise, but my motivation and determination is in the bin.

Why? because I lost my dad in Feb, he was 62, I am in my 30's and its hit me like a sledgehammer. Dad was the only one in my family interested in my business even though he didnt understand it, told me to call him when things progress and now im at that mark trying to push forward, I can and I will, but I cant call him to celebrate. I am not enjoying it anymore, every day is a struggle to get through work, get home and get ready for the next day.

Work could literally dry up tomorrow and I would not care right now, I've lost my biggest supporter for my business and I dont feel like I want to continue with it.

Sorry I know this is a bit of a work struggle chat and mines not exactly that. I needed to just throw something out, its been a real rough day.
Hope it gets better, over time for you. It seems you had a great dad that supported you what ever you did. I am sorry for your loss.
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25 Aug 2006
Hey All,

I normally really dont like to share my personal information, news or anything else across the forum.
But seeing this and needing to put my own two cents in, I am struggling so much right now.
I am trying to do all the right things for my business, I've hired an admin woman, starting another business with a friend to tackle an industry problem, things are going well business wise, but my motivation and determination is in the bin.

Why? because I lost my dad in Feb, he was 62, I am in my 30's and its hit me like a sledgehammer. Dad was the only one in my family interested in my business even though he didnt understand it, told me to call him when things progress and now im at that mark trying to push forward, I can and I will, but I cant call him to celebrate. I am not enjoying it anymore, every day is a struggle to get through work, get home and get ready for the next day.

Work could literally dry up tomorrow and I would not care right now, I've lost my biggest supporter for my business and I dont feel like I want to continue with it.

Sorry I know this is a bit of a work struggle chat and mines not exactly that. I needed to just throw something out, its been a real rough day.

What would he think/say if you told him you were losing the will with work? Probably tell you to give your head a shake and get on with it. Parents only want to see their kids happy and succeeding, so take time to grieve, take time to have wobbles every now and then, but do your dad proud and get stuck back in.

I wish my mum and dad were still here to see how much i have grown from the crappy kid i used to be, to see their grandkids etc, but i take solace that i am doing him proud by being a good dad myself and a good person.
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3 Aug 2015
Sorry to hear about your Dad @sidimmu. Is it your own business or are you an employee? Totally natural to take your eye off business after losing a parent. Don’t feel bad about that.
8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
I doubt this will help but you sound like a typical entrepreneur. There was a study a good few years back (don't ask for sources - read it somewhere!) where successful entrepreneurs were interviewed. One of the most common things said during the interview was "I wish Mum/ Dad/ my parents were here to see how well I've done." So you're not alone in having the feelings you have. It's perfectly normal. It's a cliche but that doesn't stop it being true - time is a great healer. Stick at your work as it'll give you something to do and help keep your mind off things. Getting over grief isn't like a switch being flicked - it's a gradual process. And keep doing what you're doing for yourself and your own future.
This is superb advice. :)
10 Jan 2006
I'm not normally one to bleat or share my personal thoughts.
In recent months I've begun to feel extremely unhappy with work. Dont get me wrong here. When I'm busy with a project I'm absolutely "content". I'm heavily involved in innovation and development and when I'm "fist deep" in that side of things I'm more than happy. To be fair I enjoy the job role. I get to see real world progress and genuine change that will eventually benefit our guys in the future. If this was the only aspect to the job i'd be happy. However, when it comes to the other side of things and the BS/toxicity/politicalness of the workplace, that I just dont have time for. It majorly outweighs the positives at the moment. It is seriously effecting my drive and my motivation and its having real world effects on me. I'm really starting to struggle, to the point where the thought of going into work sometimes make me feel physically ill. I recognise that is not normal and its just not me at all. I've never felt this way before. I've always been quite "robust" when it comes to this sort of thing, just grin and bare it get on with it type of person. Its just been wearing on me so much recently though I just dont have the mindset to just cope with it anymore and its starting to show in my general demeanour/bearing/output, I'm becoming bitter, negative and just plain unpleasant to talk to/be around its being noticed by friends and workmates.
Seriously starting to consider a drastic/major change. Its just finding the courage to make that big leap though. I've been here for 15 years and i've worked hard to be in a position where I have a very positive future where I am, but I just dont think I can manage it mentally for much longer without serious lasting impact to my wellbeing, I just dont see any scope for change in the short term to make the situation significantly better. I dont know if its me that has changed/my outlook on life or if its the work environment thats the main factor. I've raised my grievances to my immediate line manager and boss, though I dont hold any confidence that they can facilitate real world change, Its a stubborn old organisation...
I fear I've all but made my mind up and I think its time to call it quits and move on to something new. But when you've been comfortable in a job for so long its scary to make that call official.
I have some serious soul searching to do in the coming weeks. I just hope I make the right call for myself.
13 Jan 2010
I've never had a job I loved.
But I don't hate it.

But would I give up work if I won a million? Yes I would!
Would I do 4 days a week for 4/5 of the pay? Yes I would.

Time is more valuable now and working 5 days seems like too much.

I envy people who live their jobs. Must be amazing
13 Apr 2013
La France
I think if you don’t have a decent private pension the seemingly ever moving goalposts of the State Pension are a real life sapper.
I was told by a very upfront and honest pension adviser to put every penny I could spare into workplace pensions if possible and a private plan if not as the State Pension wasn’t going to be a liveable income when I reached retirement age and it was likely to get pushed out from the current 65 year old starting age.

This was in 1986.
8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
I'm not normally one to bleat or share my personal thoughts.
In recent months I've begun to feel extremely unhappy with work. Dont get me wrong here. When I'm busy with a project I'm absolutely "content". I'm heavily involved in innovation and development and when I'm "fist deep" in that side of things I'm more than happy. To be fair I enjoy the job role. I get to see real world progress and genuine change that will eventually benefit our guys in the future. If this was the only aspect to the job i'd be happy. However, when it comes to the other side of things and the BS/toxicity/politicalness of the workplace, that I just dont have time for. It majorly outweighs the positives at the moment. It is seriously effecting my drive and my motivation and its having real world effects on me. I'm really starting to struggle, to the point where the thought of going into work sometimes make me feel physically ill. I recognise that is not normal and its just not me at all. I've never felt this way before. I've always been quite "robust" when it comes to this sort of thing, just grin and bare it get on with it type of person. Its just been wearing on me so much recently though I just dont have the mindset to just cope with it anymore and its starting to show in my general demeanour/bearing/output, I'm becoming bitter, negative and just plain unpleasant to talk to/be around its being noticed by friends and workmates.
Seriously starting to consider a drastic/major change. Its just finding the courage to make that big leap though. I've been here for 15 years and i've worked hard to be in a position where I have a very positive future where I am, but I just dont think I can manage it mentally for much longer without serious lasting impact to my wellbeing, I just dont see any scope for change in the short term to make the situation significantly better. I dont know if its me that has changed/my outlook on life or if its the work environment thats the main factor. I've raised my grievances to my immediate line manager and boss, though I dont hold any confidence that they can facilitate real world change, Its a stubborn old organisation...
I fear I've all but made my mind up and I think its time to call it quits and move on to something new. But when you've been comfortable in a job for so long its scary to make that call official.
I have some serious soul searching to do in the coming weeks. I just hope I make the right call for myself.
Coming from a similar situation, my old place of work had a handful of people who were like a cancer to the rest of the company. I raised it with my Director he agreed and said I wasn’t the only one. He made a formal complaint via HR to the CEO and the company decided to do nothing.

For me that was my decision made, I started looking for other jobs, fast forward 8 months, I am in a great new job (not without its challenges) and I got a 35% payrise as well which is always nice! I, like you, worked hard to get to the position I got in my previous company and I was quite well thought of.

The grass isn’t always greener but if you are unhappy and generally well-liked then make a change, I strongly suspect it will work out. If it doesn’t whats the worst that can happen?

Best of luck and maybe make a start of updating your CV and setting some job alerts up and go from there. You might be surprised how valuable your skills are to other potential employers.
3 Aug 2015
@Bluecube Thank you for the kind words, being honest they were hard to hear but they make sense too. Its not about how well I have done at this moment, its more that Dad was the only one really interested in my business and wanted to see it grow and expand, I dont really have anyone else I wish to celebrate this with.

@Jack_green Thank you, he had my back every time I needed it.

@ivrytwr3 you are right and my dad was so stubborn and straight forward thats what he would say. Thank you.

@Stu999 this is my own business, I am sole director and shareholder of the ltd company. Just started expanding and hiring others.

Thank you all, its been like 10 weeks now, but truthfully it does not seem to let up and after a few good days, there is something that happens or whatever that seems to push me back even further.
I just really miss Dad is the real short of it, it was not his time to go.
28 Jan 2003
I was told by a very upfront and honest pension adviser to put every penny I could spare into workplace pensions if possible and a private plan if not as the State Pension wasn’t going to be a liveable income when I reached retirement age and it was likely to get pushed out from the current 65 year old starting age.

This was in 1986.
At some point it will be just the workplace pension and no state pension.
20 Dec 2004
I've never had a job I loved.
But I don't hate it.

But would I give up work if I won a million? Yes I would!
Would I do 4 days a week for 4/5 of the pay? Yes I would.

Time is more valuable now and working 5 days seems like too much.

I envy people who live their jobs. Must be amazing
Loving your job isn't all it's cracked up to be. I love mine, hell, I get paid decent money to make games for a living..... But it's still bloody hard work and I'm frequently exhausted at the end of a day.

Maybe some people have jobs they love that are really easy and don't take a toll on them, but the difficulty and challenge is part or what I love about the job :) I look forward to holidays, but always look forward to getting back to work.
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