Does anyone know much Web host

29 Dec 2012
I was wondering if anyone on here know much about web hosting, in terms of hardware, software features and all the tech talk so on.

Im may need to look for a new host in the near future, the host im with is on old hardware and does not have much flexibility with upgrades unless I go for £55p/m VPS.

Taking a look today, its a little more complicated than it use to be, with things like, inodes, Entry Processes, Total Processes, Disk IOPS, Active Processes, Cloud hosting. wordpress hosting

It can be confusing when they are showing all this and you dont know what they do, i'm starting to feel like my uncle when I take about a PCs
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What are you hosting? That'll help us help you.
I'm hosting a about 4-5 WP, woo sites and a sub domain for a dev site at the moment but I would like the flexibility so I can host other CMS's I need instead of looking for a new host later, I the sites seam to take a few secs to load, So I was considering a option for the future, What I have at the moment is a 2 core 2gb plan 20gb SSD (No idea what this but I get Disk I/O 10mb inodes 350000) Dual E5-2620v2 48GB Ram, 1gbps Network connection. I thought this was good but the sites still seam slow. I have been told the hardware and server wont be changing, they don't have any other server I can switch to and they don't have any plans for any updates or anything new, So I have a options to improve the speed or no upgradability unless I get a VPS (£55 a month) hope this helps
Whats your budget and how technically minded are you?

From your description I would likely grab one of Vultrs high frequency VPSes and stick cyberpanel on it. Easy, fast, secure hosting that wont break the bank.
I'm not sure about the budget but i'm paying less than £8 a month at the moment, On the hosting server side, i'm not very technically, I would have no idea how to mange it, from what I was told in the past it can be very technical keeping them updated secure and other things are also involved, I never needed to before. and for a only a small about of sires is it really worth it ?
also What are the following
Disk IOPS. Inodes, Entry Processes, Total Processes, Active Processes

Whats your budget and how technically minded are you?

From your description I would likely grab one of Vultrs high frequency VPSes and stick cyberpanel on it. Easy, fast, secure hosting that wont break the bank.
Ive not used things like vultr, digital ocean, so I assume It would have a bit of a learning curve, cyberpanel is like cpanel, would I also need to consider alternative backup options like jet backup, I use and other feature from cloudlinx which also has litespeed.
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Also my big issue is all the tech speak Disk IOPS. Inodes, Entry Processes, Total Processes, Active Processes I have no idea what they are you did not see them before.

Get a VPS from OVH, I personally just use Nginx on CentOS/Ubuntu without any sort of panel - you'll need PHP installed too & LetsEncrypt for SSL certs, it will be a bit of a learning curve like you mention.
If you want your life to be simple and not have to learn how to live in the terminal, some alternatives to cPanel are an option which are probably free? I've never looked into it.

If you want it all installed for you, OVH have a pre-installed cPanel image I believe, again, never used it personally. I imagine you will need a cPanel licence to use it.

Ill have a look but do I need a VPS for a hand full of sites WP/Woo sites?
I don't know much about the tech side of things, PHP I don't know a lot, I've heard of cyber panel which seams to be the new thing,
I think I would need a cpanel licence from the last I look it was $15 dont know about now,

also adding all the cost up would it not be cheaper to get a webhosting, cloud web hosting or managed option like VPS or something like cloudways who use Vultr and do the rest for you.
Do you know even how to set a VPS up for hosting? Cos it's going to be a minefield if you don't.
Thats the issue for me, I've only every used shared web hosting and a managed VPS a few years ago.
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Hi, friendly hosting provider here with 8 years of honest hosting experience in providing web-hosting through my own side-business and day job for setting up full scale multiple dedicated server solutions for websites receiving 10,000s of visitors a minute. I'm pretty clued up in all ends of the hosting market (Shared, VPS, Dedicated and Private Cloud solutions), especially so in shared hosting and cPanel in general so happy to help with any questions and get you on the right path.

First and foremost, if the websites are for companies or in any way responsible for earning money then please please do not go down the un-managed VPS route even if it does have a pre-installed panel. Too much can go wrong and often something will go wrong.

Shared Hosting is perfectly fine if you ensure you get it from a decent company.
I've saved many companies paying £100s-1000s/month to AWS/GCP/DO/Vultr/Contabo with eye-wateringly irrelevant specs or poorly configured VPS's to simple shared hosting for £5-25 a month.

The only real benefit that such "cloud" provider VPS companies offer traditional hosting customers is the ability to scale and the high availability platform that it's based on

Pros of good shared hosting vs self-managed VPS
- You don't have to know how to manage, secure or maintain a webserver.
- You have a support team available to help or guide you as best as they can.
- You don't need to be available 24/7 in the event of a server issue and likewise you don't need the knowledge required to efficiently troubleshoot such issues.
- You get a wealth of server-level features such as anti-virus, malware scanner, inclusive backups, LiteSpeed Enterprise (or a very well optimized apache/nginx setup depending on the host) and various other plugins/features that a shared hosting provider offers.
- You get a useable email service. Try sending email from a VPS IP and let me know how far you get :D (Blacklisted for spam)
- Proper hosting account isolation - if your VPS is hacked then you can safely assume all sites are compromised. If one account is hacked on a shared host then only that one account will be affected.

Cons of shared hosting.
- Too easy to find a bad host or one that that upsells, oversells and outsources.
- Could often be on a single dedicated server with no underlying failover. Though as someone who also provides dedicated servers, dedicated server failures are incredibly rare and you'd probably see higher uptime than the full-scale cloud providers given they have more points of failure at both a hypervisor and network layer.
- More restrictive; with a VPS you usually have root access and can do whatever you like - though it doesn't sound like that is a useful feature for you here.

Don't be lulled into a false sense of resources with a VPS either. Unless explicitly stated, VPS resources are shared just as much as shared hosting might be and are in fact more susceptible to the noisy neighbour effect.


Who is your host at the moment? In any case, it does sound like Shared Hosting is what you need, you just need to be somewhere a bit better! With that said - are you able to see your CPU/RAM/IO/PROC usage in your control panel with your existing host? If these aren't maxing out and you have multiple sites taking seconds to load then the first step is often to move host.
Could you message me some details about your company and what you could offer,

I did want to try the unmanaged or Vultr D.O because it may've a better option and good to learn but it will involve a lot of learning I dont know much PHP or other code, it will involve a lot more of my time and maybe even more money on top of this, it may have downsides I have not seen yet, like you said things could go wrong and I will have no where to turn for help.

I do agree for someone that know nothing of the server side, to save the time and hassle it would be better to get a managed service IMO. plus I like sending a message if I need something done and not worry about it.

I know they offer scalability but I assume I should be able to get a host with some scalability 1 core > 2 Cores > 3 Cores

I don't really pay a lot, for my shared plan looking at my bill, its a lot less than sated above, the only downside is all the restriction ii have mentioned and its doing the job for now but I want to find a suitable upgrade option if I need it, Finding a decent host at fair price online is like finding a needle in a haystack, most are big companies, under spec, No UK hosting or over priced.

Ill send you the host info I dont thing its fair to name them in public.

Yes, im able to see the CPU/RAM/IO/PROC usage in your control panel and at the moment its showing zero (is that normal) other time I can hit 80%-90% but that mostly when a backup is going on.

I have check the site and they load a little quicker, ill do a test to see what the speeds are showing
Going by GTmetrix
site 1.
First Contentful Paint: 1.2s
Fully Loaded Time: 2.9s
TTFB: 542ms

Site 2
First Contentful Paint: 1.0s
Fully Loaded Time: 3.7s
TTFB: 416ms

Site 3
First Contentful Paint: 1.2s
Fully Loaded Time: 4.5s
TTFB: 550ms

if this helps Google
site 1
First Contentful Paint 0.7 s
Time to Interactive 0.7 s
Time to Interactive 1.9 s

First Contentful Paint 2.5 s
Time to Interactive 8.7 s
Largest Contentful Paint 9.5 s

Site 2

First Contentful Paint 0.8 s
Time to Interactive 1.9 s
Time to Interactive 2.1 s

First Contentful Paint 2.9 s
Time to Interactive 9.6 s
Largest Contentful Paint 9.0 s

Site 3
First Contentful Paint 0.7 s
Time to Interactive 0.8 s
Largest Contentful Paint 1.5 s

First Contentful Paint 2.5 s
Time to Interactive 6.2 s
Largest Contentful Paint 6.9 s

1 and 3 both have litespeed setup no CDN
2 has fastest cache no CDN
Those TTFBs seem a bit higher than expected if it is on a server running LiteSpeed - did you test from London in GTMetrix rather than default location of Canada?
I'd usually expect sub-100ms for TTFB for anything on a UK server especially with LiteSpeed, it could be a sign that the server is indeed overloaded or not up to scratch.

The rest of the figures can largely be caused by the sites themselves so can't be relied on too much for judging host performance.

Perhaps one method of better determining if the host is at fault for poor performance is to deploy a fresh WordPress install and check it in GTMetrix, if the results aren't an A and all green then it's definitely time to move on (assuming that your CPU/RAM/IO/PROC in the control panel aren't also maxed out at the same time as performing the GTMetrix test)

Your host should be able to tell you if you're hitting any of your plan resource limits (i.e. the CPU, RAM, IO, PROC) and provide a historical graph of this too.

If you want to DM me the domain names then I can take a better look at the host overall and what the speed issue is likely to be
No, it was the default one, ill do the London one later and see what the results are.
Ill setup a new site and check.
At this point i would personally just grab a cPanel/WHM (or worse case a Plesk) reseller service, which is probably what you're already using, from the likes of Allhost, Stablepoint etc.
There's a load of host/hosting type threads in the HTML, Graphics & Programming sub-forum but it'll be the most straight-forward solution for you and it'll save you a load of aggro and stress if you're not confident deploying a self-managed service.

If you want to get more into the hosting/technical side of it all then grab a few-pounds-a-month "LowEndBox"/cheap VPS service from Racknerd, Kimsufi, Hetzner etc and play around with it on the side.

It's one of the better free panels for OLS but it's still fairly janky given that it misses a bucket-ton of features (email catch-all is one i contacted Usman two years ago about, handful of threads on the forum from others and still not implemented), upgrading can easily bodge an install (had that last week under Alma, which is now supposedly supported ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and it's only been fairly recent that they've been getting it pentested.
OLS and it being free is the only reason i've remained using it for the last few years but they're all on non-important/personal boxes rather than production stuff.
I think your right I would be better with a cPanel service.
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Here is the latest Gt results
very basic WP 2022 theme nothing changed at all A grade

GTmetrix Grade A Vancouver, Canada​

Performance 97% Structure 94% LCP 1.1s TBT 0ms CLS 0.07

TTFB: 573ms​

GTmetrix Grade A London, UK​

Performance 99% Structure 97% LCP 416ms TBT 0ms CLS 0.07

TTFB: 170ms​

I have also retested the other sites on London,
Site 1 TTFB: 32ms
Site 2 TTFB: 34ms
Site 3 TTFB: 38ms

I'm assuming this is a good result and good news for me.
Yeah, results to be happy with there. This at least does prove that server can perform well and not the bottleneck - during testing times at least.

If you are still seeing slowdowns occasionally but not seeing maxed our resources in the control panel during the same time then that is a hint that there's overall server resource usage spikes that are causing issues for its tenants.

I'm guessing that your 4-5 sites are on the same hosting account at present, ideally these want to be on separate accounts for security reasons and to prevent the sites having to fighting each other for your resource limits too.
Yes, they are all on the sane plan, They dont get a lot of traffic but that could be the next step to look at.
would I be better off getting separate account or just a small resellers account ?
Yeah would be ideal. It only takes on vulnerable WordPress plugin or theme to have the whole lot on the same account compromised.

Depends on the providers pricing I suppose but reseller accounts are often cheaper than buying several small plans.
Ok but would the host still provide the support on the resellers package ?

Also what can i do to get better speed and what else could I get the host to get better speeds and the best out of what I have for now ?

also Do you know of any alternative to PHP Xray ? my host company only uses standard cloudlinux not pro so I cant get this feature.
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