Does anyone on this forum consider themself as being " woke "

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5 Apr 2006
Being Woke to me means having your heart in the right place but not having enough life experience and knowledge to actually change anything that you think is being done wrongly I suppose. The extremes will always be there with nutjobs recording themselves having childish tantrums I suppose.
No not to pick a fight just to have a discussion about what people think woke is and who thinks being woke is a good thing or not?
Who are the bigots?
This is the problem, people like to preach but don't like to actually talk about it.
Klinck no it isn't but I suspected as much that people have views and don't like to have a chat about them.
Opposing views you say, we all have them but it seems only one side is allowed to say anything without agro?
I'm not racist i'm not homophobic in anyway shape or form but when I call out the crying and moaning and silliness with rational comments ans discussion i'm called so as? what can you do? lol
Yeah I'm the same as most, do whatever makes you happy, It's just when people aren't getting their own ways and cry the ist and ism cards, it just grates on me knowing what I've had to battle against in my life while all they moan about is childish stuff tbh

I suppose what I mean is it's the people that haven't had hardship in their lives that make the biggest noises.
Although we do benefit from it I still don't see why it's fair to tax the higher earners more for doing better at life. Yeah it's easy think it is sat there with your Pot Noodle's late
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