Does anyone pull funny faces in the mirror?

ffs this ****es me off even more though, bunch of ****ers having to pop in saying "hur you're picking on the girl virgin" then a different group of ****ers "hurr defending the girl virgin". Great, if you're the sort of spastic who treats random forum strangers differently if they have a dick or not great not all of are as brain damaged as you.

I think I agree, but I can't quite work out if I've upset you :p

As for the lack of funny faces and photoshops, please, been enough hate in here so make each other laugh!!

i generally just pull faces

mirrors , windows , at strangers , its all fair game

this form of mental illness probably stems from working with idiots and on nightshifts , at 5am there can be full exchanges held by face pulling only
The only faces i pull involve rolling my eyes and tutting, as i'm generally surrounded by idiots most of the day.

Occasionaly the odd bevvy will get me on the loopy train, though looks like you have a permanent seat on that one!
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