Does anyone remember this song, Frère Jacques?

17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade
As a kid we all used to sing this song all in French. I don't know why.

Does anyone else remember this song as a kid?

Here is a video so you can hear it;

frera jah ka, frera jahka
dormy voo dormy voo
consta dela tina, consta dela tina
bing bang bong bing bang bong

is how i remember it :p

e:just watched the video - was much more upbeat when sang in school!
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Definitely remember this.

It also reminded me that we used to sing Lilly The Pink at school too. No idea why.
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Its never gone away, we just left school a while ago :(. Kids bring you back to these things.

Give pirouette cacahuete a blast, that's a banging tune.
Yep, its one of those songs that they teach very young children to sing for reasons no-one seems to know why so everyone knows it but no-one has a clue where or when they learnt it. Another would be Sur le Pont d'Avignon which I know the words to but had look up the meaning of a while ago as my french is atrocious.
Every so often these deeply imbedded and random memories pop into your head when you can't sleep or something and you think dang where did that come from...
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Probably something drummed into our generations music teachers.
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