Does anyone remember this song, Frère Jacques?

I remember it as the "I hear thunder" song. But I didn't remember some of the words, so thanks to Google:
I hear thunder!
I hear thunder!
Hark don’t you,
hark don’t you?
Pitter, patter raindrops,
Pitter patter raindrops,
I’m wet through
and so are you!
Wow I dont think I've thought about this version since i was a kid, never connected the dots between the two songs.
Remember it as a kid and singing Sema Semolina thinking those were the correct words instead of sonnez les matines
School dinners,school dinners
Concrete chips,concrete chips
Soggy semolina,soggy semolina
I feel sick,toilet quick.
We had a slight variant on that at school:

"I feel sick, fetch a bucket quick!"

I'd actually forgotten about those lines until the reminder I wonder how many kids now even know what semolina is or what it looks like
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School dinners,school dinners
Concrete chips,concrete chips
Soggy semolina,soggy semolina
I feel sick,toilet quick.
I remember singing that! at school - which really annoyed my mum as she was a dinner lady and the school cook was a family friend.

I wont lie........ her semolina was really nice as well!.
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