Does anyone remember...

7 Nov 2009

My ban has been lifted. I would like to thank everyone for the support and also the moderation team for accepting my apology and allowing me to return.

I'd like to say that it was my own foolishness and not knowing when to quit that caused the ban and in no way was the Don involved at fault.

To Ahlecks and Aardvark, I will try to be less arrogant towards you in future, just give me a nudge now and then.

Anyway I would like to put the whole thing in the past now and move on. Again thanks.

It's a Z!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit - You post a lot on these forums and that's fine, but I feel that you struggle to see another point of view. I think that you believe that your view is the correct one and you refuse to see the other side.
I don't expect you to change, you shouldn't. I don't debate issues with you because I think it's totally pointless because of the way you come across and I really can't be bothered. I'm intelligent enough to debate with you but I won't because I get the impression that you'll take the opposing point either for fun, or if you agree with it you'll refuse to concede a well argued point.
People obviously feel that you're an addition to the forum so with respect to that I welcome you back!

(I just got home from a night out, so please ignore the awful spelling/grammar!)
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26 Dec 2005
There's nothing wrong with playing devil's advocate, especially on this board. Some members really do need to be probed (yes, yes, I know) more often and engage their brains.

Whilst I understand where you're coming from Ahleckz, I fear labelling Castiel a snob or even conceited would perhaps be a little too strong. I have had the impression through reading other threads that sometimes arguing against is like swimming against the tide as he is unfortunately one of those posters that needs to have the last word. However, that said, there has been more than enough debate lately where Castiel's position and 'stubborness' has saved other posters feeling like they need to wade in and tell people how stupid they're being. In fact, it's posters like Castiel that's allowing the old faces to be a much lazier posters. Castiel's got enthusiasm, leave him be. He'll soon tire a little when he sees the same old arguments and posters repeating themselves.

But yes, Castiel, when I saw you were banned - permas just aren't what they used to be anymore, are they? - I was incidently reminded of a thread a while back discussing past bans where the point was raised: it's not how often or well you post that makes you a regular on here; it's managing to not get banned. Be here long enough, and you'll notice many current handles that you recognise will disappear slowly as they in turn make mistakes. Case in point, review this thread in say two-year's time and see for yourself. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if one day someone's reading this and laughing at the irony as under my avatar I too have the pleasure of being banned.

Welcome back Castiel, don't be afraid to carry on ruffling feathers. Just don't go toe-to-toe with the moderators in future, and remember where the line is. ;)

As for NinjaEconomist, that guy was a giant willy. It was a good day when he was banned.

N.B. Is Castiel's brother (whatshisface) unbanned too?
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26 Jun 2010
There's nothing wrong with playing devil's advocate, especially on this board. Some members really do need to be probed (yes, yes, I know) more often and engage their brains.

Whilst I understand where you're coming from Ahleckz, I fear labelling Castiel a snob or even conceited would perhaps be a little too strong. I have had the impression through reading other threads that sometimes arguing against is like swimming against the tide as he is unfortunately one of those posters that needs to have the last word. However, that said, there has been more than enough debate lately where Castiel's position and 'stubborness 'has saved me - and other regular posters who seem to post less - feeling like I need to wade in and tell people how stupid they're being. In fact, it's poster's like Castiel that's allowing me to be a much lazier poster. That, and I'm bored. Castiel's got enthusiasm, leave him be.

But yes, Castiel, when I saw you were banned - permas just aren't what they used to be anymore, are they? - I was incidently reminded of a thread a whilse back discussing such bans where the point was raised: it's not how often or well you post that makes you a regular on here; it's managing to not get banned. Be here long enough, and you'll notice many handles you recognise will disappear slowly as they in turn make mistakes. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if one day someone's reading this and laughing at the irony as under my avatar I too have the pleasure of being banned.

Welcome back Castiel, don't be afraid to carry on ruffling feathers. Just don't go toe-to-toe with the moderators in future, and remember where the line is. ;)

As for NinjaEconomist, that guy was a giant willy. It was a good day when he was banned.

N.B. Is Castiel's brother (whatshisface) unbanned too?

Thanks Nix. My bro doesn't want to be unbanned, he rarely uses the forum anyway and he finds it a distraction he says he can do without right now.

You are right that I can be a little too tenacious, and I need to just let things go sometimes. Ahleckz is also right in that I do on occasion argue the contrary position regardless of my personal viewpoint, but not out of some ingrained superiority complex, simply because I enjoy polemicism and if the opposing point of view is robust enough it really shouldn't matter.

I have been know to concede points so I don't agree that I refuse to see the other side, but each to their own opinion and it would be a very boring world if we all agreed with other.



26 Dec 2005
Well that certainly explains why he posts less now. Fair enough. I myself tend to browse out of habit more than interest these days.

Whilst we're on the topic of older members, does anyone remember what happened to that Sequoia chap?
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
I'm intelligent enough to debate with you but I won't because I get the impression that you'll take the opposing point either for fun, or if you agree with it you'll refuse to concede a well argued point.

While Castiel might well choose to argue the opposing point for fun I've definitely also seen him concede the point so maybe it would be worth engaging in debate from time to time if you've got something to say.

Whilst we're on the topic of older members, does anyone remember what happened to that Sequoia chap?

Do you remember Harley...
Man of Honour
9 Jan 2007

My ban has been lifted. I would like to thank everyone for the support and also the moderation team for accepting my apology and allowing me to return.

I'd like to say that it was my own foolishness and not knowing when to quit that caused the ban and in no way was the Don involved at fault.

To Ahlecks and Aardvark, I will try to be less arrogant towards you in future, just give me a nudge now and then.

Anyway I would like to put the whole thing in the past now and move on. Again thanks.

Good to have you back. :)
9 Jun 2006

My ban has been lifted. I would like to thank everyone for the support and also the moderation team for accepting my apology and allowing me to return.

I'd like to say that it was my own foolishness and not knowing when to quit that caused the ban and in no way was the Don involved at fault.

To Ahlecks and Aardvark, I will try to be less arrogant towards you in future, just give me a nudge now and then.

Anyway I would like to put the whole thing in the past now and move on. Again thanks.
Glad to see you back, I've always thought your points have been well thought through and supported, which is part of the reason I guess a few posters used to getting their own way in "debates" here didn't like getting pwnd by you :)



7 Apr 2009

My ban has been lifted. I would like to thank everyone for the support and also the moderation team for accepting my apology and allowing me to return.

I'd like to say that it was my own foolishness and not knowing when to quit that caused the ban and in no way was the Don involved at fault.

To Ahlecks and Aardvark, I will try to be less arrogant towards you in future, just give me a nudge now and then.

Anyway I would like to put the whole thing in the past now and move on. Again thanks.
Welcome back, Castiel. It's great to see you back :)
26 May 2009

My ban has been lifted. I would like to thank everyone for the support and also the moderation team for accepting my apology and allowing me to return.

I'd like to say that it was my own foolishness and not knowing when to quit that caused the ban and in no way was the Don involved at fault.

To Ahlecks and Aardvark, I will try to be less arrogant towards you in future, just give me a nudge now and then.

Anyway I would like to put the whole thing in the past now and move on. Again thanks.

Awesome, but there's no real cause to apoligise for your arrogance. You know more than a lot of people around here and you're skilled at portraying it, arrogance is a natural part of that. You're not supercilious about it, so I don't see that you've done anything wrong.

Really, though... 7 accidents? :p
20 Aug 2008
Tru was a legend.

I always remember when he started a short craze of rating every thread, he was a serial ratist, looked quite funny when all the threads had a rating :p

OMG 0.0

We can rate threads!?
(Found the 'rate thread' thing, never noticed it before)

I always thought it was just admin that rated what they fancied.

I vow to continue Tru's legacy of reviewing threads in star ratings.

Can we get bans for rating every thread? I assume no because it wouldn't be there otherwise, but this isn't exactly democracy, more of a loving dictatorship. <3
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Can we get bans for rating every thread? I assume no because it wouldn't be there otherwise, but this isn't exactly democracy, more of a loving dictatorship. <3

Why not try it and see? :p

A thread needs 5 ratings before the stars show up anyway so even if you rate a thread it doesn't hugely matter unless other people do so too.
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