Does being on sick leave affect your chances of another job?

For my civil service role, they asked if I'd had more than 20 (or around that) sick days in the past 12 months. I think if you said yes, you had to have an occupational health call before getting a confirmed start date but as long as there was a justifiable reason, there were no issues.

I've been unfortunate and had quite a lot of sick days in various roles and it's never caused an issue moving.
A common interview question is to be asked if there are any reasons or illnesses affecting you that would impact your ability to do the role.

If it is recorded in interview that you say no to this, and then get offered a job and it later comes to light that you lied in the interview, it can be considered gross miss conduct.

This .
We had an employee that was constantly sick and I had to get occupational health involved , it transpired that she has a long series of illness ( mostly mental health issues ) that she didn’t divulge and she was dismissed - cough made redundant.
Some places (like defense jobs) check for your medical history for concerns/issues that could affect your ability to perform under stressful conditions. One of my colleagues who had been on stress leave was turned down because of this when applying for another role.
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