Does data weigh anything?

So it does change in mass, but it isn't enough change for a person to notice the difference between before and after, as an electrons mass is so tiny.
didnt art lebedev create a memory pen that self expanded when more data was put on it? i dont know if it ever went in production :p it was a little orange ball shaped sort of thing.
Hmm indeed, you may well be right!

What is the actual process that occurs when you 'burn' a CD-R, and does this differ with CD-RWs? Could this affect the mass?

My will to google it myself fails me...

Basically burns one of the layers. It doesn't burn it off though, it just makes it change state, so again, nothing is lost. I don't know about burning CD-R's though, I'd assume if it's non-rewritable then that means that the layer is burnt off completely, so it probably would lose mass.
Ok this might sound daft and well it is totally daft but I am gonna post it anyway :)

My mate sent me a text last night with a really weird and random thought and it did make me wonder. He asked me what I thought about this idea…

“When a memory stick or card or any flash memory device for that matter is full, does it get any heavier?”

I haven’t tried searching Google on this, my first thought was to stick it on here and see what everyone else thought :)
/facepalm :p
I don't think it's daft per se. But it is an extremely small amount so may as well not weigh anything imho.
GD can be a great place to get opinion/fact (why I love it)
I don't think it's daft per se. But it is an extremely small amount so may as well not weigh anything imho.
GD can be a great place to get opinion/fact (why I love it)
No physical changes are made to the flash... therefore it will weigh 100% the same as if it were full or empty.
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