does having 2lots of ram slow games down

wigster said:
my pc is fast enough to run quake/doom at high detail patches do nothing i know someone who has the same spec and it runs ok.

lastnight i ran out of ideas so i thought i would try to overclock the card

i only took it up 1 notch then run a test

the test failed please lower the settings, i thought it was a bit strange but i turned it down still got the message turned it down again still got the same message

something is not right

What Power Supply are you using? Just had a thought - the power supply might not be giving enough power under load causing problems with stability and with your card

Try downloading something like Motherboard Monitor 5 (MBM5) and checking on your voltage levels - they should all be within +/-5% of the expected value and not dip sharply under load

Zephyrus said:
Hmm i run 2 x 1GB Mushkin Ram and that runs at 2T Dual channel according to the post screen. Isn't it supposed to?

Nope - as you've only got two sticks of ram you can run them at 1T. Motherboards often default to 2T though. If you change the timings to 1T you should see a slight boost in performance
ok ive just found how to change it, but with the program what does revision mean if it means model its not in the list and i did update the program,changing to t1 has made no difference
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Is you motherboard not in the list then?

The revision number of your motherboard is on its PCB

You can download monitoring utilities from the motherboard manufacturer's website too
ill have a look on their website

i thought it could be ram so i left one stick in to see how stable it was, it was stable i swapped them over to make sure one of them was not a bit duff, one of the sticks i stuck in when i came out of the game it froze so i tried the other stick it didn't freeze but it took a bit longer to exit and get back to windows
over the weekend ive been benchmarking my system and it looks like there is a conflict with opengl and the forceware driver. but i stll dont know how to fix this problem. i downloaded a opengl 3d spinning box screensaver and it happens to that,so i know for sure its something to do with opengl
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