Does hoovering up spiders kill them?

Don't think it would kill them, but they wouldn't be able to get out of the hoover bag so in the end it would have lead to their death.
They actually want to be hoovered up, its an all you can eat buffet in there for them plus if you hoover up a few of them, ORGY TIME!!
i always tell my missus moths are male butterflies is gets her really angry :D

I thought butterflies were gay moths..?

Anyway, when hoovering up a spider one must take care it isn't a robot spider like in Transformers or Minority Report or something. One of those could in theory hack into your hoover's ECU and take it over, and use the vacuum cleaner to carry out some kind of sexual assault on you when your defences were lowered.
Spiders freak me a little, but I just use a glass and a piece of paper and get rid of them as far from the house as I can.

The only thing that really bothers me is maggots. Went out for a smoke Saturday night and I could hear them dropping out of the wheelie bin in the garden :( spent 2 hours getting rid of them, I had to seal the bin liner in the wheelie bin with a knot and masking tape followed by bleach and boiling in the bin, then spent a good while boiling the kettle and walking round the patio pouring boiling water everywhere to kill them.

I felt sick all night after seeing them :(

Ended up sealing the bin with masking tape yesterday so no more can come out and it won't be unsealed until Thursday when the rubbish is collected.
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