Does music lose its 'wow' factor as you get older?

I think I'm almost always at saturation point with music. I download new music everyday, and truth be told don't have the time to listen to an album as often as I should. Back in the day - when buying CD's was the only way to go - I'd play an album to death before moving onto something else. It was the same with video games. Now I don't know what to listen to, or play, next. Instant access [and lower costs ie often free] has kind of devalued the end product.

It might be bloody great but I haven't spent enough time with it to find out.....

This, and snap! Download so much I never have the time to sit and listen to it properly and appreciate it as it's all so readily available thanks to digital formats and the internet and computer based production (for what I'm into) just allows people to bang tunes out so quickly you can't keep up anyway.

Before the days of the net and having to buy CD's, stuff impressed me more at the time, for longer. But, production with the kinda music I listen to is far, far better now.
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