Does The 360 Really Need the Jap Market?

2 Mar 2004
I got thinking the USA and europe markets together are bigger then the Jap market and the euro market is the fastest growing games market in the world

So does microsoft really need the Jap market??
a lot of people here are saying that Jap developers might no support the system if it doesnt sell well in japan ,meaning that we might not get the great Jap made games that we all know and love.

I personaly dont think this is the case after all the Xbox hasnt sold that well in Japan and that never stoped SEGA and CAPCOM from suporting the console

Also we all know the 360 is being suported by


This is every big Jap player ??
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I think sony should be more worried then they make out to be
after all Yanks are very loyal to their country as well.
I think their is a good chance that consumers in the states might jump ship and suport the Xbox360? like the japs support the playstation brand

And the USA market is the biggest in the world sony wouldnt want to get beat their..
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