Does this sound like some sort of scam on Facebook Marketplace?

Sounds like he was going to attempt to scam you, and then realised you weren’t going to fall for it and left.

There’s a lot of scam guides going round TikTok and other social media at the moment, I imagine some people are just starting out and don’t really know how to pull it off properly yet.

Probably tries it on a bunch of people and at least one they will be able to pull off whatever scam they are trying on.

Someone I know does a lot of agricultural services stuff where people pay with cash and encounters the same attempts time and time again, not to paint all tradesmen as scummy but he says a surprising number try the same old tricks to distract you while paying say a £1000 bill with only £900 worth of notes, etc. then play dumb if someone notices and/or claim you must have misplaced the extra £100 or trying to scam them if it is noticed afterwards, etc. and it is obviously not just a mistake when you've seen it many times.
erm.. so how does a scam in person play out? Fake notes? Grab and run?
Plays on the kind hearted nature of most scam-ee's.

"Heres half the cash I'll transfer the rest when I get back because...

<phone ran out of battery>
<don't have debit card/ 2 factor auth device>
<money was transferred from savings and hasn't shown up in main account yet>

... I'm sorry but I live really far away, is that OK?"
he was probably looking for a weak person who would put up no resistance and just hand it over.

not wanting to come inside though why would you want to?
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