Current employer nothing - used to do paid team "bonding" days out/weekends in the UK but that hasn't happened in awhile - budget for it got axed when they got rid of regular bonuses.
Previous employer there was the option of trade shows or similar abroad about twice a year, usually US, with the option of taking a few days as holiday around it, also longer stints - like 3 months in LA, etc. the allowance would leave you out of pocket unless you cut things to the bone though.
My brother's previous employer was frequently having them go out to Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic and some further afield like UAE, one of the reasons he moved on eventually as it got old after the novelty wore off. (EDIT: That and they'd invariably fly out to train people up to replace UK jobs, because on paper it was cheaper, only for it to cause massive efficiency issues and cause the company far more problems but they'd never learn).