Does your XBox360 have a blog?

McDaniel said:
Oh Crap!!!!

I chose to make my xbox a girl..but it decided i was a girl too :(

I didnt like to mention anything when you originally said that, yes the gender was the user, seeing as the blog is the 360 referring to you ;)
McDaniel said:
Oh Crap!!!!

I chose to make my xbox a girl..but it decided i was a girl too :(

McDan1el's Xbox - 04/28/06
I saw McDan1el walk by yesterday morning... I was hoping she would come play and she did. 4567 points and climbing. She played PGR 3, Tomb Raider:Legend, Top Spin 2, and laughed with joy and glee the whole time. I like making people happy.

Bwahahaha lol :D


i emailed the guy and my blog entry has gone - so hopefully its been reset


just got a reply, nice guy - he change the gender and updated the blog :D
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mics xbox said:
da mic 153's Xbox - 04/28/06
I didn't think I would see him yesterday, but da mic 153 was back and ready for action. Total gamer score is 5013 points. He played Top Spin 2, and loved every minute of it in high definition glory!

it lies! its just trying to rub in the fact i dont have a HD tv, mean nasty xbox :p

oh and for a few minutes till i spam again im Leet :rolleyes:
SmokinMonkeyFTM showed up yesterday ready to dominate. Total gamer score stands at 5481. He played G.R.A.W., Feeding Frenzy gaining an amazing 7 achievements, G.R.A.W., Zuma, and did it while marvelling at the framerates and stellar particle effects
And I certainly didnt get 7 achievements :p
Would be interesting if there was one of these for pc's


kdd powered me on at 11am after crawling out of bed. He was going to make me happy by playing that game he bought so i could show the awesome graphical effects i am capable of, but spent the next 9 hours posting on forums and browsing porn instead. I hate him.
Haha, a pc blog would definately not be the way forward! I'm sure a large majority of us would be rumbled for abusing our pc's...

Emlyn turned me on today and, despite the fact I can run every application he owns at max settings, decided to overclock me. After much abuse he went too far and corrupted the registry, I wish I was dead...
Heres mine :p, although it probably hasnt started as i havent had a chance to play any games and my score is at 0 but then i only joined up late last night and spent near enough 3 hrs talking to Virii about the way of the world :p

My new gamer blog...just started and its already moaning at me lol:p
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VIRII said:
Finally got out of bed have you :p Some of us were up at 0600.

Hehe umm well i was up at 8am myself...decided to have a few hrs lie in:p...see thats the joy of being your own boss in some respects...i come in and leave whenever i like :D:p
mics xbox said:
da mic 153's Xbox - 05/04/06
da mic 153 is the best. He treats me right. I treat him right. It is a good thing we have going here. Gamer score stands at 5213. Not too shabby! That is a gain of 100 points over last time! He played FIFA 06 RTFWC, EA SPORTS FN 3, Geometry Wars Evolved, Top Spin 2 gaining 1 achievement, PGR 3, and then he started getting all these friend requests because of high awesomeness levels.

me and my xbox have a good relationship at the moment :p
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