Dog got hold of neighbors cat

That’s why I don’t let our cats out. That said, sounds like your dog shouldn’t be let out either, doesn’t sound particularly friendly.

I would never, ever let him off the lead in pubic. Even for a greyhound he's enormous and he goes like the clappers when we've rented fenced off fields for him to have a gallop in. Even if I was reasonably certain he wouldn't get triggered by a small dog, it's not a risk worth taking. We've only just started to take him out without a muzzle on.

If you see a hound with a muzzle on it's never usually because the dog is likely to bite or attack a human or even a dog it goes towards. Ours loves other dogs and is so calm when walking past/chatting with other owners. It's just that if they DO get off the lead, you can't trust them not to give chase to something it's seen.

It's the sad thing about sighthound ownership. They are the sweetest, gentlest, most easy going breed I've ever known, but that prey drive is so instinctual in them that even with extensive training they're reasonably likely to go for anything small that bolts, especially if they're on its territory.
can i borrow him for a couple of days - neighbours scabby cat insists on crapping all round the kids swings and play area. have tried every legal method under the sun to try and stop the dirty ******** without any joy.......i fear it may be time for more drastic measures!!
Really? out of control dogs in public is one thing, but I think most people would find it reasonable for people to let their dogs into their own back gardens without fully checking them first.

A lot of people even have dog flaps that lets the dog freely come and go in the garden.

OP isn't at fault, the cat was in the wrong place at the wrong time sadly.

Think you can put that flame suit back in the cupboard. Dog in its own garden, it's just really unfortunate.

Now if you want to talk about dog handling in public, that's a different matter, don that thing right now ;)

That wasn't the point, the dog did what dogs do. Unfortunate but it is was it is. My comment was more praparing the OP for posts like this:

sounds like your dog shouldn’t be let out either
Do tell me more about fox's hunting cats....

We have loads here and not one of the neighbours cats has been touched by one, hell even had one of them and fox sat not far apart on the wildlife trap cam near the pond.
I don't think I said that and you know it. I said I wasn't taking the risk.
We have lots of neighbors with dogs none of them have attacked cats either, but this thread proves it's a risk.
I really think cats need to be legally mandated as "house pets". I don't understand why they get free reign to go and poop everywhere with impunity. It's also an unfortunate situation, as highlighted by OP, that with cats being allowed free roam into peoples' gardens, these... "natural" interactions between dogs and cats can happen.
Our dog chases cats at every opportunity, she once had one have a go at her, she didn't think that was cricket and went of with her tail between her legs. It's a dog eat cat world but the cats are capable of attacking dogs.
I really think cats need to be legally mandated as "house pets". I don't understand why they get free reign to go and poop everywhere with impunity. It's also an unfortunate situation, as highlighted by OP, that with cats being allowed free roam into peoples' gardens, these... "natural" interactions between dogs and cats can happen.
whilst some breeds of cat are ok being locked inside that would be incredibly cruel for some. IF that was to happen then better just to ban having them as pets. cats are wild and roam. they generally need to be outside (I feel the same about birds as well)
that said if a cat is on someone else's property and that happens then cest la vie. OP did nothing wrong, their dog did nothing wrong and OP went above and beyond imo.

had the dog of run into someone else's garden and killed their cat in it's own garden it would be a different issue but that is not the case here..

in a related but slightly different thing one out my old neighbours (who was a nut case) used to throw boiling water at cats who would try to catch his coy carp . it lead to quite the neighbourhood falling out. on one hand his fish were on his land, very expensive and the cat was "trespassing" if you like... but throwing hot water on them is going too far imo
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in a related but slightly different thing one out my old neighbours (who was a nut case) used to throw boiling water at cats who would try to catch his coy carp . it lead to quite the neighbourhood falling out. on one hand his fish were on his land, very expensive and the cat was "trespassing" if you like... but throwing hot water on them is going too far imo

Mmmm boiled carp :D
Agree with others. Respectful handling of the situation. Would be a bit wrong if you didn't feel bad for it.

But yes, if it happened on your property nothing to worry about from a recourse perspective.

I'm not a big fan if cats myself. But it's not the cats fault.
whilst some breeds of cat are ok being locked inside that would be incredibly cruel for some. IF that was to happen then better just to ban having them as pets. cats are wild and roam. they generally need to be outside (I feel the same about birds as well)
that said if a cat is on someone else's property and that happens then cest la vie. OP did nothing wrong, their dog did nothing wrong and OP went above and beyond imo.

had the dog of run into someone else's garden and killed their cat in it's own garden it would be a different issue but that is not the case here..

in a related but slightly different thing one out my old neighbours (who was a nut case) used to throw boiling water at cats who would try to catch his coy carp . it lead to quite the neighbourhood falling out. on one hand his fish were on his land, very expensive and the cat was "trespassing" if you like... but throwing hot water on them is going too far imo
Oh, for sure, I don't think for a moment it'd be an easy process. However, I still think it's one that should happen. If dogs aren't allowed to roam with impunity, then cats shouldn't be either. Dogs, at least their ancestors, are also wild and roam, and that innate behaviour is still strong in some breeds, and the onus is on the owner to keep that in check. It should be the same with cats, IMHO :)

I also agree OP did nothing wrong and did go over and above what people would normally do.
Its a crappy situation, but I'm actually a bit sad they didn't have it chipped. I know if mine went missing it would be the best way for me to be tracked down.
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Oh, for sure, I don't think for a moment it'd be an easy process. However, I still think it's one that should happen. If dogs aren't allowed to roam with impunity, then cats shouldn't be either. Dogs, at least their ancestors, are also wild and roam, and that innate behaviour is still strong in some breeds, and the onus is on the owner to keep that in check. It should be the same with cats, IMHO :)

I also agree OP did nothing wrong and did go over and above what people would normally do.
would be strange times indeed having to take the cat for a walk....... i just dont think it would work with cats - not as most of them are now, you cant train them like a dog so you would never be able to let them off to go for a run.... like i said, its not that i am against the notion that cats should not roam free... it is just i think if that was the way a government wanted to go they should just ban all cats, or at last all bar certain highly domesticated breeds. Cats also are a lot more agile and so its not like you can let them roam in the garden like most dogs (at least the ones we had) would do.... not unless you get 10 foot chicken wire around your whole garden and even then some would climb out. Dogs have been domesticated for 1000s of years.... The wildest dog i can think of right now......... imagine having a pure bread husky and never letting it outdoors.

when i was a kid we had a cat..... i loved it to bits, it had a proper wild streak. whilst it slept inside most nights if it did not get to go out in the day she would literally climb the curtains. i fully respect why people hate them. not a fan of them in mygarden myself to be honest crapping everywhere.
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Fair play, I've never had a dog attack another animal before but have dealt with a few instances of nipping or biting people and as long as the dog isn't on the list of dangerous dogs, the liability has been picked up under the Public Liability section on home insurance!

As with all things, it all depends on the circumstances. But if it's within your own garden, and it's evident that you've taken measures to both prevent your dog from getting out of the garden, but also to prevent people accidentally coming into the garden (think of a young child who's going to get his ball). Then you should be pretty much ok.

That’s why I don’t let our cats out. That said, sounds like your dog shouldn’t be let out either, doesn’t sound particularly friendly.

Bit of a daft comment that. It's not like the OP was letting the dog run around off lead at the local park.

can i borrow him for a couple of days - neighbours scabby cat insists on crapping all round the kids swings and play area. have tried every legal method under the sun to try and stop the dirty ******** without any joy.......i fear it may be time for more drastic measures!!

Oddly enough I'm just starting to experience this after digging up our front garden. I need to put down some weed membrane and then chuck bark over it.

Don't ever get problems in the back garden as the dogs scent will be all over it.
To the original poster. Sorry to hear of the situation, but trying to train the prey drive out of a sight hound to any degree of reliability is a mug's game. They have been bred for generations and generations to chase and kill small animals. Something they do exceedingly well and it would probably take generations of eugenics to develop a greyhound that didn't naturally have hyper prey drive.

I have owned and bred Anatolian Karabash most of my adult life, and despite the one I have now having had zero training it has so far caught and killed about four foxes, it just "knew" they were predators and after my birds. It's what THEY have been bred for. I would say training it out of them would be excruciatingly difficult.
What an awful thing. But it doesn't sound your fault at all. The cat was in the dogs garden so of course it will attack (I'm a cat owner too).
If you have a letterbox I would strongly suggest that you secure it, just in case your neighbour is a member here and gets some advice about using that letterbox to give you a free fertilizer sample if you know what I mean..............................
We have several cats I have to pick up after in the garden.

Thing is not one of them is mine. Well if it is it has serious problems because it dumps enough in its box. Old timer doesn't go out for longer than five minutes at a time.
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