Dog info

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
The girlfriend and I will be looking at getting a puppy in the coming months but are stuck what to get.

We're not keen on small dogs and had originally planned for a brown Labrador, but then changed our mind to an Alsation due to my family always owning them and what fantastic dogs they are.
Then, we saw Huskys and an Alaskan equivalent? We alyways loved the Husky but they're out of our budget unfortunately.

Do anyone have any info on this Alaskan breed?
Get a proper dog:

When Zoltan was born:




Jon :)
Glad you decided against a Chocolate Lab, they're all nuts. Seriously!

With regards to Husky's, I asked a dog breeder some time ago and they said on their own they are a bit funny as they belong in groups.

I believe the Alaskan Breed you are looking for is the Alaskan Malamute?
Not a dog to keep on it's own, very much a pack animal.

If not brought up and trained very well can also be naughty.

Needs a lot of excercise too.
Reesy said:
A good name for a puppy if you get one would be Kenneth-Bates. :D

Why do you keep posting random crap in my treads :confused: Give over.

Jon Frost said:
Get a proper dog:

Nice dog, what do you regard as a "proper dog"?, a German Shepherd is a great dog.

Scottland said:
Glad you decided against a Chocolate Lab, they're all nuts. Seriously!

With regards to Husky's, I asked a dog breeder some time ago and they said on their own they are a bit funny as they belong in groups.

I believe the Alaskan Breed you are looking for is the Alaskan Malamute?

That could be the one!

Thanks :) I'm open to other recommendations.
Alaskan Malamute's are lovelly looking dogs, was looking at one myself but didnt fancy buying 2 as said above their pack dogs and are a handfull alone apparently, so went for a Black lab instead and hes lovelly aswell :D
Jon Frost said:
Get a proper dog:

When Zoltan was born:

Jon :)


Thats not really a proper dog.

An alsation is a good bet. How about a cross breed/mongrel. We used to have a collie/alsation/heinz57 and she was a brilliant dog.

Just make sure you train the dog well from a puppy. It will make all the difference to the dogs behaviour. :)
Personally, I think Husky's and Malamute's are gorgeous looking dogs. If you were serious, I'd get into contact with a breeder and find out if you could commit to it's needs. Most breeders should be happy enough to help as long as you explain you've got the dog's interests in mind.

German Shepard's are a great pet IMO as they tend to be very loyal and ok on their own too. Border Collie's are great too.

I saw these feature on R&J the other night. Very handsome looking dogs, very rare though I think.
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next door neighbour at my old house had an Akita. stunning dog, bloody massive considering her was very young!
might be worth a look :]
Morba said:
next door neighbour at my old house had an Akita. stunning dog, bloody massive considering her was very young!
might be worth a look :]

Very dominant I hear. Need a very strong alpha presence in the leader of the house hold, with the dog never being left in any doubt that they are at the bottom.
PlatinumFX said:
Very dominant I hear. Need a very strong alpha presence in the leader of the house hold, with the dog never being left in any doubt that they are at the bottom.

indeed, the owner was a reiki (sp?) pet healer, little woman (very little) yet controlled Kobe like he was only up to her ankles (he was probably twice the weight of her and he was only 2 i think!).
Amp34 said:

Thats not really a proper dog.

I was jesting some what. Everyone has their own opinion of what a "proper dog" is. I love boxers. They are, well amazing.

This little git ate my house keys yesterday too. :-/

An alsation is a good bet

The pups grandad killed an alsation while protecting the family when it broke through a fence into the property. I regard a dog as a loyal and strong dog, able to protect myself and my house.

My dogs do just that. Others had differing opinions of a "proper dog" however.

Nice dog, what do you regard as a "proper dog"?, a German Shepherd is a great dog.

Above :).

My 2p. :)
Jon Frost said:
I regard a dog as a loyal and strong dog, able to protect myself and my house.

My dogs do just that. Others had differing opinions of a "proper dog" however.

any dog can do that if trained correctly.
Morba said:
any dog can do that if trained correctly.

Sure they can, I agree.

Train a jack Russell to stop 2 blokes from robbing your house. I would love to see that try and stop two grown men from entering your home...

See my point.

Jon :)
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