Dog issue (Staffie)

22 Oct 2007
So my other half's best mate is coming to see her tomorrow before she heads back home to Oxford, problem is she has a Staffie and shes bringing it with her.
I have 2 kids (five and two) and naturally alarm bells are ringing and to be quite honest I dont want that dog in my house with my two kids around despite the fact it is apparently very friendly and loving and the wife's mate has a five year old that was brought up around the dog with no issues.
I have told my wife about my concerns and that I dont want it in the house, am I being overly cautious or would you guys have said the same thing?
Foor what its worth I do like dogs and like Staffies as a breed but just thought I would ask GD's opinions on this
If its friendly and kept under control (on lead) and you tell your kids not to pester it, once they've all been introduced, then no problem.
I would imagine that the owner would not bring a badly behaved dog to a family home anyway.

Hope all goes well. Best wishes.
You're being overly cautious and branding every Staff with the same brush thanks to media hype.

Just don't leave the dog alone with your kids, and if you are really worried don't let them touch his face etc.
Staffies are one of THE MOST kid friendly dogs you can get.

Typical influence of the "blame the breed" press I'm afraid.

Wouldn't hurt to just ask "what's it like with kids". As I would say of ANY breed of dog.
Staffies are one of THE MOST kid friendly dogs you can get.

Typical influence of the "blame the breed" press I'm afraid.

Wouldn't hurt to just ask "what's it like with kids". As I would say of ANY breed of dog.


before the media witchunt with bull dogs staffys were always known to be one of the best breeds of dogs with kids
I'd tell them not to bring it - your house, your rules (and your kids too).

Don't let other people make decisions re: your kids safety.
Lol, I will be at work though, if I wasnt then it wouldnt be so much of an issue as if anything happened I would just stick my finger in its arse or something (LOL?) does that realy work? :D

Hahahaha well I'd not recommend that!!! If you bark loudly enough, smaller or more timid dogs often don't like it. It's also pretty funny to bark at dogs when they are trying to lord over you etc
You are being overly cautious. The fact that she has a child already probably means that the dog knows what kids are. As with any dog, explain to the kids not to annoy it and don't leave them in the room alone with it.

Just because it is a staffie doesn't mean it will rip their face off, that can happen with any out of control dog.
as previously said staffies in general are great with kids, you just need to make sure someone has an eye on things at all times, same as with ANY dog left with children... but then again its your house and your rules if you decide you dont want the dog there you' ll have to be strong and insist
I think you are perfectly entitled to tell her you don't want the dog there - I wouldn't want it near kids. I'm sure it is friendly, but remember what the dogs have been bred to do. A few training classes won't always override hundreds of years of selective breeding.
It's not her house, she can GTF.

If you're feeling generous you could compromise and tell her to get a muzzle for it. But no doubt that will be more hassle than it's worth and will end in her QQing about you oppressing her sweet wee dogchild, completely overlooking the fact it could maul your kids.
Question, would you allow another dog near your children?

How about a Border Collie? or a Jack Russell? Both are statistically more likely to attack someone than a Staffie.

Basically you have been brainwashed by the media into thinking Staffie = EVIL CHILD KILLER.
Question, would you allow another dog near your children?

How about a Border Collie? or a Jack Russell? Both are statistically more likely to attack someone than a Staffie.

Basically you have been brainwashed by the media into thinking Staffie = EVIL CHILD KILLER.

What sort of statistics are you basing that on? Adjusted for breed population, a greater percentage of attacks on people are carried out by jack Russell's and border collies?
Why do all chav, work dodging scum have them then? seems the norm for around here anyway.

Because those type of people need items and accessories to feel "hard" whether those things are living creatures doesn't matter to them, you can just think of them as woman with handbags, except the handbag is a dog/knife :p

Before all this "chav" **** started, people who owned staffies generally wanted them for there good quality's, they are fantastic with kids and one of the best family dogs you can get imo.

but OP, if you are worried just tell her so, there's nothing wrong with that.
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