Doing you Standard A2 license

Well just paid my deposit for all ready for the 19th Novembers

Time frame is
Monday 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday MOD 1 10:10 MOD 2 13:29 (As long as I pass MOD 1)

He did say that if I do fail MOD2 I can rebook straight away and just go out for a long rider before the test. Mentioned most failures are silly mistakes rather than riding skill.
Good luck both of you! I remember when I booked mine I was looking forward to it, yet at the same time wondered why I was putting myself through the stress. :)
Good luck! (think I said that already)

The key to u-turn is clutch and throttle control and keeping the bike taught and responsive but being able to slip the clutch. I found it was far easier to trail the back brake when doing this.

After a bit of practice I could get a CB500 around in about half a roads width.

On a sports bike you have no chance as they don't have anywhere near the same kind of steering lock. :D

Tried to u-turn my RS125 once, and ended up 2 streets away :p :p
The key to u-turn is clutch and throttle control and keeping the bike taught and responsive but being able to slip the clutch. I found it was far easier to trail the back brake when doing this.

Absolutely. I don't know whether trailing the rear brake is a psychological thing but it seemed to help.
Absolutely. I don't know whether trailing the rear brake is a psychological thing but it seemed to help.

Trailing the rear brake helps to keep the bike 'taught' and easier to manipulate with good throttle/clutch control.

It's not in your head ;)

I am taking this bike appearing in my local as a good sign. its the bike I want and if I pass and its still there I am having it.

Love those bikes, and yes I know I have the same name :)

I am very biased. I had one in 2003 - Blue with bellypan and hugger.

In 2004 my dad went out on it for a ride and was in a serious accident.

Later, we both agreed there was always something a little bit off with the bike, a bit of an x-factor. For me personally I also found it's tendency to tank-slap a bit off putting too. I wont bore you with the details, but he was not going very fast - 45mph according to accident investigators - but something made the bike sit up on a really easy left hand bend and he tried to ditch it on the verge on the opposite side of the road and almost made it too. But a car coming the other way hit him.

To this day nobody knows why the bike sat up. It could have been just my particular bike, though, as I have never actually been on another.

Personally I would suggest a Fazer 600 of the same era. Far more friendly for a new rider. Not as good to look at but less likely to spit you off. The Fazer has a far smoother power delivery.

Heres Some pics:

My hornet - Scans of some film photos not long after I had it (didnt have the bellypan and hugger at this stage)

My Fazer
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