Domestic Violence - BBC article

There were more informal ways of dealing with men who beat their wives in those days I hear, the local community wasn't really over accepting of that type of behaviour

I remember two separate husbands in my extended family/circle of friends who had uncles/brothers of their wife pay them a visit to explain the error of their ways. One got the hint and changed his ways. The other didn’t and was invited to leave the area and never return. To my knowledge, he was bright enough to get the message the second time around.
Wow, serious stuff. Shocking how recently some of the legal changes have been, as well as the social changes. Hard for a younger person like me to imagine how different the country was only a couple of decades before I was born.

Some serious wtf moments like laying the mum's body on the kitchen table to decompose :eek:

Erin sounds like a great woman, who has saved and improved many lives through her work.

Really surprised (in a good way) to read an article like that in the BBC though. I was expecting some kind if snide comment or direct rebuttal in the article when it got to Erin's thoughts on her mum's abuse, or breaking with approved opinions, but it felt like it treated her fairly and respectfully.

I am hoping that the 2020s is the decade where people see more sense.

The 2010s were very much the decade of: men are awful, women are amazing, white people are inherently racist, go fat people and if you identify as a wombat, we support you!!

I hope that the 2020s are more like: we all have equal worth, everyone can be terrible, everyone can be racist, eat a bit better and you're not a wombat, maybe you need to think about why you think you are?
I've never understood why men beat on their wives/partners. Such a cowardly way to abuse someone that often loves them.

It's nice to see the article acknowledge female violence against males, it's something that isn't just tolerated in our society but actually encouraged. You'll often see an exchange on TV where the scorned woman throws a drink in the man's face or even a slap or punch in the face. It's always portrayed in a positive sense from the woman's point of view, like that's an acceptable way to react.

If a woman slapped a man straight across the face in public, the majority of witnesses would assume he deserved it.
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