Dom's Training Log

Front squats, single arm dumbbell bench, steps ups and anything else new I can think about tonight :). I'm hoping to get a video on my front squats so I can get it up here. The weight will be very light I'm mainly just testing to see if I can do them :)
New Program Time!!!!!!


This one should get me back up to speed nice and quick. This week is mean to be a trial week because there is a lot of new stuff but if it goes well then I don't see the reason not to call it the first week.

Comments are welcome.

First day went like this:

  • barx10
  • 8x40kg
  • 5x60kg
  • 3x70kg
  • 3x5x75kg

Goblet Squats
  • 8x25kg
  • 5x30kg
  • 5x35kg
  • 3x5x40kg

Cable Row
  • Warm up on machine row
  • 3x10x120lbs

Step ups
  • 3x8x20kg

Medicine Ball Push Ups
  • 3x8xBW

30deg Raise
  • 3x10x15lbs

Ab Wheel
  • 3x8xBW

I'm quite pleased with it initially, obviously I've only done one day so we'll see how the rest goes but today felt good.
I can't wait for tomorrow, that's the only day I'm really worried about but I'm just being a bit silly cause it's deads. I love them but I'm now a lot more scared of doing damage even though I know I'm not that guy anymore :).

Think I'm going to go for another ride today, I would have gone for a row on the river but with the car being broken I'd have to cycle and I'm not quite ready for two lots of cardio in a day ;).

Oh and I have gymnastics tonight, definitely going to nail the flip :).
Let down on the front flip side of things. I got carried away doing other things and ran out of time. I have to wait until next week now :(. On the positive side I actually did some swinging on the rings today, felt like a real champ till I fell of :D.
I'm sorry. I also managed to bruise my hand from gripping the rings too tight . . .

. . . Yeah, that's the reason not that I hand my hand in the wrong place :).
Nom nom nom. I love deadlifts, just sad that they are so light :(. I did a set at 80kg on my deads and it was just silly, it was really easy so I put it up to 90kg and I'm going to take the progression from there. That way I finish on 140kg which is a lot nicer. I've also decided to swap the setsxreps round :).

Here is a video of my first set at 90kg:

Yes I did do 4 reps by mistake :).

  • 5x60kg
  • 5x70kg
  • 5x80kg
  • 5x3x90kg

Incline Dumbbell Bench
  • 8x20kg
  • 5x30kg
  • 3x5x32.5kg

  • 3x8xBW

Single Arm Landmine Press
  • 8x10kg
  • 3x8x15kg

  • 10x60lb
  • 3x15x70lb

Lateral External Rotations
  • 3x10x15lb

Pallof Press
  • 2x8xLateral to vertical
  • 8xlateral only

Another good session. The landmine press is really great, it's lovely on your shoulders but then your core gets a hit from all the stabilization you need. It all feels really comfortable which is good.

There was a lot of drama today. The resident roid man got in a fight because he wanted to bench but someone was using it for tricep extensions. I'd just finished my first set of dumbbell bench and turned round to see the shouting at each other and then roid man tried to headbutt the other guy. It was scary, as soon as that happened I left the room because Mr Roids doesn't like me and he is a very irrational man, and he'd already had a go at me for putting a bench in a rack that wasn't being used. :eek:
Good session today, it was nice and relaxed.

  • 10xbar
  • 8x40kg
  • 5x60kg
  • 3x5x80kg

Machine Row
  • 15x40kg
  • 15x50kg
  • 3x10x70kg

Single Arm Dumbbell Bench
  • 8x20kg
  • 3x8x27.5kg

Pulls Throughs
  • 10x140lb
  • 10x180lb
  • 3x8x200lb

Arnold Press
  • 8x20kg
  • 3x8x25kg

Reverse Flies
  • 10x15lb
  • 3x10x20lb

Ab Wheel
  • 3x8xBW

Squats felt really light today, I think doing deadlifts again recently has turned some extra bits on in my posterior chain, which is nice :).

The single arm dumbbell bench is another really great shoulder stabilization exercise but as with the SALM press you get a good amount of core recruitment.

I also used the cables instead of dumbbells for reverse flies and I think I prefer having the constant tension that you get from cables, it definitely adds something for me.
Last nights workout.

  • barx10
  • 8x40kg
  • 5x60kg
  • 3x70kg
  • 3x5x80kg

Goblet Squats
  • 2x5x30kg
  • 3x8x40kg

Cable Row
  • 10x120lb
  • 10x130lb
  • 3x10x140lb

Step ups
  • 8x20kg
  • 3x8x25kg

Medicine Ball Push Ups
  • 3x10xBW

30deg Raise
  • 3x10x15lbs

Ab Wheel
  • 3x8xBW

It was a good session last night, except for the fact that they were building the new platform so the room was filled with saw dust and the fumes from power sawing through thick rubber. On top of that it took up a lot of space so the already tiny room was even smaller and you couldn't reach the dumbbells across the other side of the room. They were meant to do it all on Sunday but they still haven't finished it yet but hopefully it's done before I have to deadlift tomorrow.

Gymnastics tonight and I'm mega stoked because they should have the big foam pit all finished so if the do I think I will be spending most of my time in there :).
The are only about 45% of my 1RM :(.

I don't really know how to explain it properly, it's one of those things that just comes with time. I guess the only way to put it is stick your ass as far back as you can while keeping a safe amount of tension in your back, that way your knees don't get in the way but you aren't completely relaxed. Also keeping tension, but don't in any way try to resist the weight of the bar, think of it as a very fast negative RDL. Sorry if that makes no sense :).
No drama. Nice sesh today, there was just a really good atmosphere.

100kg WOOP!! :(

I'm definately glad to be back in triple firgures :).

  • 5x60kg
  • 5x80kg
  • 6x3x100kg (extra set 'cause it was easy I like deadlifts)

Incline Dumbbell Bench
  • 8x20kg
  • 5x30kg
  • 3x5x35kg

  • 3x8xBW

Single Arm Landmine Press
  • 8x10kg
  • 3x8x17.5kg

  • 10x60lb
  • 3x15x90lb

Lateral External Rotations
  • 3x10x20lb

Pallof Press
  • 2x8xLateral to vertical
  • 8xlateral only

Deadlifts going great, can't wait to be back to normal, I'm just trying to focus on speed of pull while the weights are so light.

Also had a bit of coaching on the oly lifts with my brother today which was good. I've dabbled before put never properly, and no having done it they highlighted some areas I'm definitely missing from my training.

My gym is shut over the Easter weekend so I'm doing my squats tomorrow and I'm very excited :).
Awesome session tonight, it's been a bit of a game changer. MY back has been feeling really strong for a few weeks now so I think I might increase some of my weights a little more next week and after that maybe even think about restarting my program with some bigger weights :).

  • 10xbar
  • 5x60kg
  • 5x80kg
  • 5x5x90kg

Machine Row
  • 15x40kg
  • 15x50kg
  • 4x10x70kg

Single Arm Dumbbell Bench
  • 8x20kg
  • 3x8x27.5kg

Pulls Throughs
  • 10x160lb
  • 10x180lb
  • 3x8x200lb

Arnold Press
  • 8x20kg
  • 5x25kg
  • 3x8x27.5kg

Reverse Flies
  • 10x15lb
  • 3x10x20lb

Ab Wheel
  • 2x8xBW
  • 8xBW, knees on a step. Much better, really feeling this

I love progressing, it feels so good :)! Also as a side effect my body is becoming a lot more proportioned and I'm looking pretty aesthetic right now. Still got a bit more weight to loose before your homo's get any pictures though ;).

However in the mean-time here is a video of my lovely squats:

My gym is still closed today so i went to another which left something to be desired. The bench is like a foot higher than mine so it felt very strange and the cables have some completely arbitrary notation on them so I have no idea what the weight was. However the session itself was good I was just a little tired.

  • barx10
  • 8x40kg
  • 5x60kg
  • 3x70kg
  • 3x3x85kg

Goblet Squats
  • 8x25kg
  • 5x30kg
  • 3x8x40kg

Cable Row
Different gym so I have no idea what the weights were
  • 12xsome
  • 3x10xsome

Step ups
  • 8x20kg
  • 3x8x25kg

Medicine Ball Push Ups
Actually did these on an inverted kettle bell, tres bon.
  • 3x10xBW

30deg Raise
  • 4x12xsome

Also I couldn't do my ab wheel roll outs because I didn't have it :(, and I couldn't be bothered to do it with a barbell because I can just do it another day :).

Gymnastics tomorrow with more muscle ups and flips :), yeah buddy!
Looking good bro! Strength gains are the best (Y)

Yeah I'm glad to be finally making some :).

Big day today :D.

That's after no real deadlifting for 9 months :D.

  • 5x60kg
  • 5x80kg
  • 3x100kg
  • 3x120kg
  • 1x140kg
  • 1x160kg
  • 1x160kg with belt
  • 1x170kg
  • 1x180kg with belt and mixed grip

Incline Dumbbell Bench
  • 8x20kg
  • 5x30kg
  • 2x5x35kg
  • 5x37.5kg

  • 3x8xBW

Single Arm Landmine Press
  • 8x10kg
  • 8x15kg
  • 3x8x18.75kg

  • 10x60lb
  • 3x15x90lb

Lateral External Rotations
  • 3x10x20lb

Pallof Press
  • 2x8xLateral to vertical
  • 8xlateral only

So in light of everything getting better squats are going up on friday in a similar fashion and then a new program next week :D.
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