Dont be lazy with maintenance

I had a new rear tyre fitted a few months back and since then I've been paranoid about my chain tension. When I "bounce" the chain it looks to me like it has too much play but when I measure it the play is perfectly within Kawasaki's specs yet I check it almost every day.

Damn you paranoia.
Remember the chain tightens up when you sit your fat bums on your bike :p
What feels a little slack when off the bike will be taut if you can read down and touch the chain when you are on the bike, this is something I find most people forget / don't realise and have the chain too tight when off the bike, they go though chains at an expensive rate!
My cousin mentioned that she had gone though something like 3 chains in 6k miles, I was shocked as it's only a 125 chopper! she was tightening the chain up so damn tight, surprised it didn't knacker the final drive.
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I bet changing gear was an ordeal with a chain checked 3 times a year!

I managed to get a bit lapse on my 125 and the chain popped off the rear sprocket, luckily it just sat there and didn't do anything but a snapping chain can/will take your leg, engine casing, seat, everything else it can with it!
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