Don't Believe It.

Oh yes! I was told the wrong date, by my manager, for a meeting in Basildon (live in Peterborough). Got to the office where it was and was told I was a week early for the meeting!!!

Still, got the whole day off work and the meeting the following week was cancelled!
Nope, I was usually always late to the point I refused to go into classrooms as people stared at me.

Today actually, I woke up at 8am, getting ready etc was about to leave for a lab practical I had, looked at the clock and it had already started at 9am. Mornings seem to go so fast. Although saying that, now i'm in my flat enjoying the sunshine coming through my window. It's not all bad.
AndyBorzi said:
Oh yes! I was told the wrong date, by my manager, for a meeting in Basildon (live in Peterborough). Got to the office where it was and was told I was a week early for the meeting!!!

Still, got the whole day off work and the meeting the following week was cancelled!

Ag, I was actually given the wrong day for an exam by my old college. They gave me and a friend the day after the date. No surprises I missed it. The annoying thing is, my brother was taking the exam too but didn't tell me it was that day - spitefull imo. Ah well, I left that college and never paid them a penny of course fees even though they harassed me for a year. Now i'm up about £100 worth of books and exam fee's. Serves em right for ******* me about.
Nix said:
Nope, I was usually always late to the point I refused to go into classrooms as people stared at me.

Today actually, I woke up at 8am, getting ready etc was about to leave for a lab practical I had, looked at the clock and it had already started at 9am. Mornings seem to go so fast. Although saying that, now i'm in my flat enjoying the sunshine coming through my window. It's not all bad.

i have a pretty rigid structure for my 9am starts. Radio alarm goes off at 7:20, listen to Chris Moyles in bed until the news, then breakfast until about 8:10 then back to my room getting ready to leave for 8:30. Simple.
This was a few weeks ago. I was rushing to get to college as well after getting up late, so I run to college as I have just missed the bus (10 minute run :(). I get there and I find out it was a teacher training day. I felt like a right idiot. :p
Well i've had sleeping problems since I was about 17. This week *touch wood* has been the first time in a very long time where i've been literally falling asleep around midnight and waking up, without an aid of an alarm at around 6-8am. I feel so much better for it, but i'm just slow moving in the morning :P
I couldn't do that, my body works on a rought 12 hour sleeping need and I need to be awake at least 15 hours. You can see why my sleeping pattern is so bad. I'm gonna try and keep up this good routine up for a while and train my body to get used to it. I need at least 8 hours sleep though, i'd be very tired on 5 hours.
missed my gcse business studies exam, i asked a friend the day before what time the exam was, he said afternoon, the next day i get a call at noon from my mates askin why i wasnt in the exams, none of them bothered to ring be before the exam, only after, needless to say, i failed the subject
I do it, but i couldn't comment on how good it is for me ;)
I often go for 2 weeks on 5 hours a night and i feel fine but then one day i'll just crash. I wouldn't advise it! :D
Yes i tired to go to school on a saturday once, stood at the bus stop for ages, then phoned my mum to say that the bus hadn't turned up, she replied, "that would be because it's a saturday you **** "
I ran into a lecture once in an old fashioned Uni lecture theatre, you know the ones with steep stairs. Piled down 2/3 of the stair under control and lost it on the last 1/3. What an entrance! For the wrong lecture. :embarrased:
fatiain said:
I ran into a lecture once in an old fashioned Uni lecture theatre, you know the ones with steep stairs. Piled down 2/3 of the stair under control and lost it on the last 1/3. What an entrance! For the wrong lecture. :embarrased:


Also, i've just noticed that 9am lab I had, wasn't actually my group so lucky I didn't go :D
You sound you have some organisation issues Nix! Draw up a timetable of events for the whole term and put it somewhere obvious.
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