Don't know what to do in future ...

17 Feb 2009
Hi guys, i'm starting to get very depressed about what i want to do in life and what future career to follow.

I'm 20 years old, currently looking for part time jobs to get a little income.

Basically, i've recently just finished a music course in London, before that i did a BTEC in Sport.

I've just been to lunch with parents, and had them on my back about what i want to do. My parents want me to do sport because that's what i'm naturally good at, and i know this, but in regards to sport i wanted either to be professional or not do it. Now i get annoyed with myself because i've always been jack of all trades if you see what i mean, i've been good at everything i do, sport, played every sport and was basically the best in my year at each position i did, defender in football, tennis, cricket (bowler), rugby (winger), athletics, swimming, hockey, i did it all and was recognised at talented, but i got annoyed because i was never the "master" at it, to be "scouted", i played county level tennis and cricket until i broke my arm severly, which forced me to have plate implanted (put me out of sport for nearly a year) so i lost it for tennis and cricket. My dads just told me that the countys cricket coach was asking after me to see if i wanted to play again, now i don't enjoy cricket no more (50 overs is a bore!) but i know i was good at it, but my parents keep saying it will make connections about jobs and stuff.

Now, i really want to do music, but its hard to get into (music producing) i've done the music course (well recognised) and i've been a runner at a top london music studio, who recognised me within 2 weeks at the job and asked if i wanted to be an assistant (the manager told me no one has ever been asked to move up that quick)

My parents want me to do a uni course perhaps, but then thats another 3 years, and i feel i'm just going around in circles, as i did 2 years at college, a year of music etc i just don't know what to do.

I think i'm thinking that there isn't any money in sport etc, i don't want to be a coach/personal trainer.

I've kinda got it in my head that i want to find a job to save enough to go work in america for a while, apply at music studios etc.

Two dreams basically to play sport professionally (i feel i've past it now, even though i'm 20, because if i was that good at sport i would have been snapped up) or be a music producer.

Sorry for the long story!
what happened to the assistant job (from runner) ?? stick with that get experiance and enougth to live on..
I just finished a music degree.

Definitely consider the assistant job, anything that gets your 'foot in the door' and actually pays money is a godsend in the music industry.
Well the runner thing was unpaid, they are doing a 3 month trial thing. I said I needed some payment but they couldn't do one shift a week so I could find another job to pay income so I'm still on the rota as back up if anyone can't male it now.
So you've finished your music course
and become a runner for someone in the music indy part time.

I'm a bit lost
They asked you to become an assistant but it was unpaid work??
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Ok basically they have 4 studios there, A B C E, c is the main mixing room where one of the countries best mixer works, Tom elmhirst. Basically his assistant has been with him for 3 years and Tom feels he is good enough to do his own stuff so Tom is looking for a replacement for his assistant. Now he needs to find the right candidate obviously since he has spent more time with his assistant then his own family so it needs to be someone who he can get on with. I was shadowing the assistant and Tom for a week but then they had to go Jamaica for 2 weeks to record another album, so I went back to running. I emailed Tom and co. Asking what my position was they said they are still trying out candidates for now.
if your good at sport i can recommend royal marines is a good job lot of fun to be had.
I could say I'm in the same boat as you really.

Was awesome at sport, gave it up when I went to 6th form to persue design.

Have played drums since I was 10.

Currently doing a design based degree and finishing in about 3 weeks.

No idea what I want to do in the future! :D
dont get worried about deciding what you want to do yet though ! your only 20 !

have you thought about coaching or teaching sports ? im sure there will be plenty of work for that sort of thing over the summer !
I did a bit of coaching in college but I don't think it fits me. Imma try and get my Job back at tesco and save for America me thinks.
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