Don't steal a laptop

I'm guessing that the theif has enough PC knolage to know what is and isn't on there.

I think he knows that letters to the missus are not infact covered by the OSA
Teachers said the same thing to a lad who stole some stuff, well not about FBI but that he could be jailed, will find him, etc didnt get him though.

For such a harsh forcing set of words and expensive data - you would assume better security lol, if the trade secrets included things about insider knowledge on the stock market thats illegal :P

Shouldnt steal anyway but meh lol
bitboy said:
I smell poo poo.

That'll be the bog sites:

Link in Al Vallario's post said:
Since we ran that story, it has been picked up by ABC News in the States and debated on bog sites across the world

The guy in the video should have taken advice from the drama department, you could see right through his bluff, I hope he doesn't play poker.
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Che said:
Oh this is so old!


One of the first things he said was 'XP Activation.. blah blah..' I knew he was lying from then. Did you notice that he also folded his arms after making that first statment? It's a dead give away that he was telling porkies.
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