Don't you just love kids.....

Damn, I think you're gonna have to replace that driver... :eek:

Still, at least your lounge didn't end up like this;

I checked with Monitor Audio when it happened and the PMC drivers are discountinued :( Keeping my eyes open for a secondhand set at least then I'll have a spare ;)
Chong Warrior, looks like they're pretty well recovered now, should be sounding fine. In some speakers, the central dome plays more of a role in the sound quality, as it is intended to radiate the high frequencies more effectively beyond cone breakup, but on most woofers this isn't a concern. My little DIY computer speakers have a central dome like this, and a screw rolled into it whilst I was installing them and the magnet pulled it right in, damn strong little magnets. I popped the dome back out by pushing the driver cone in carefully and letting the pole piece push the done back out, but this won't work on most drivers tbh.

bugeyewrx, that's painful to see, really did a number on that woofer. Definite replacement job there :(

I like how mine can't be pushed in, for there is none! Not that I'd ever have kids, but still, prevents any potential accidents:

At least it was your kids. I have moments of utter intellectual vacuity. I was hoovering my B&W 685. The hoover nozzle sucked onto the tweeter and ruined it.
My 2yr old lad threw his metal car straight at my V10 plasma and cracked the screen.

Did the same thing to our LCD but luckily no damage was done. Went with a right bang :mad:

I cringe when I walk into the lounge and see drinks mugs sat on the sub
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