There was a pretty big update last Thursday. Two actual Underlords have been added that have separate talents to choose etc. Additional alliances have been added and some older alliances have been tweaked. New Heroes added too. They have also added a jail mechanic. Every day 8 random heroes get added to the jail, which means they cannot be played for 24 hours. This should stop the meta becoming stale, like in the past streamers and pros that end up playing for 8-12 hours a day could quickly identify what is OP and what was terrible within a meta that might not change for weeks at a time.
Ranks have been reset. Well I went from Big Boss 4 > Lieutenant. Anyone that was Lord rank has been reset to Boss. Not sure about anyone that was below big boss and Lord. Probably a pretty good time to get back into the game if you fell off it when they were experimenting during early access.