DRAG RACES: Round 2 Results!

Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire


A few notes:
  • A stewards enquiry has been held, and all results are now confirmed.
  • Results are given as a comparison against the estimate. Positive result means exceeded the estimate.
  • Where no results were returned, this is indicated by 'NR', and treated as a 'no contest'.
  • Round 2 estimates have been carried forward to round 3 - there is a 48-hour window for estimates to be revised.
  • There were no ties this round, so tie-breakers did not need to be used - phew!
Last edited:
Originally posted by Mark G

A few notes:
  • The [cran]jeff vs Augmented result is preliminary and will be verified later today.


Stewards enquiry? Honest guv' I didn't use the whip excessively.

Originally posted by [cran]jeff
Stewards enquiry? Honest guv' I didn't use the whip excessively.
I need to verify your results because there was a problem with the spreadsheet I received. I'll do that when I can get hold of 'the management'.:)
Wohooo, Victory is mine....

Next oponent Mark Gray, mmmmm, would that happen to be the very same man that has a rock steady output according to another thread?
I did all that hard work with two crunchers that had to go off line for good and that slacker Wilderbeast didn't return and result :mad:

Oh well, may they be a good fight in the next round :)
Originally posted by Madlew
I did all that hard work with two crunchers that had to go off line for good and that slacker Wilderbeast didn't return and result
Wilderbeast got suspended due to an MM incident over the weekend and has decided (for now at least) not to return.:(
I didn't believe I'd done six in one day...

Then I just checked Seti At Work.

My word, I did.

Originally posted by virtualadept
Well done balrog mate, was a close one... best of luck with the rest of it, be nice if ya win, least then we can see we were beaten by the champ :)

Thanks guys. I'll do my best

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